


安全证书可以很容易地从. net中的签名程序集中删除。


Here's one idea: you could have a server hosted by your company that all instances of your software need to connect to. Simply having them connect and verify a registration key is not sufficient -- they'll just remove the check. In addition to the key check, you need to also have the server perform some vital task that the client can't perform itself, so it's impossible to remove. This of course would probably mean a lot of heavy processing on the part of your server, but it would make your software difficult to steal, and assuming you have a good key scheme (check ownership, etc), the keys will also be difficult to steal. This is probably more invasive than you want, since it will require your users to be connected to the internet to use your software.



However, you can make them create cracks that will hurt your sales less. Keygenerators that can issue a valid registration code for your software are much worse than simple patches that remove registration incentives from your software. That's because a crack will work for one software version only, and will cease to work with the next software update you release. The keygenerator will continue to work until you change your registration key algorithm and that's something you don't want to do often because it will put off your honest clients.


Partial Key Verification makes sure that each illegal keygenerator works only for one particular release of your software. Basically what you do is to make sure that each release of your software only links with the code for checking SOME digits of the registration code. Which digits exactly is random, so crackers would have to reverse engineer many different versions of your software and combine all this into one keygenerator in order to release a keygenerator that works for all versions of your software.




Use online update to block those unlicensed copies. Verify serial number from different modules of your application and do not use a single function call to do the verification (so that crackers cannot bypass the verification easily). Not only check serial number at startup, do the verification while saving data, do it every Friday evening, do it when user is idle ... Verify application file check sum, store your security check sum in different places. Don't go too far on these kind of tricks, make sure your application never crash/get into malfunction while verifying registration code. Build a useful app for users is much more important than make a unbreakable binary for crackers.










