







非常有答案的问题。 IHMO,来自@BlueRaja的精彩回答- Danny Pflughoeft是最好的回答之一。

许多答案建议只测试公共界面,但恕我直言 这是不现实的——如果一个方法只需要5个步骤, 您需要分别测试这五个步骤,而不是一起测试。 这需要测试所有五个方法,它们(除了测试之外) 否则可能是私人的。

最重要的是,我想强调的是,“我们是否应该将私有方法公开以进行单元测试”是一个客观正确答案取决于多个参数的问题。 所以我认为在某些情况下我们不需要这样做,而在其他情况下我们应该这样做。


It is rarely the best way. A unit test has to test the behavior of one API method/function. If you test a public method that invokes another public method belonging to the same component, you don't unit test the method. You test multiple public methods at the same time. As a consequence, you may duplicate tests, test fixtures, test assertions, the test maintenance and more generally the application design. As the tests value decreases, they often lose interest for developers that write or maintain them.

To avoid all this duplication, instead of making the private method public method, in many cases a better solution is extracting the private method as a public method in a new or an existing class. It will not create a design defect. It will make the code more meaningful and the class less bloat. Besides, sometimes the private method is a routine/subset of the class while the behavior suits better in a specific structure. At last, it also makes the code more testable and avoid tests duplication. We can indeed prevent tests duplication by unit testing the public method in its own test class and in the test class of the client classes, we have just to mock the dependency.


虽然可以通过使用反射或PowerMock等工具来实现,但我认为这通常是绕过设计问题的一种方法。 私有成员不是为向其他类公开而设计的。 测试类是另一个类。所以我们应该对它应用同样的规则。


您可能希望将修饰符private更改为public以测试该方法。 然后,为了测试使用这个重构的公共方法的方法,您可能会试图通过使用Mockito(间谍概念)工具来模拟重构的公共方法,但与模拟私有方法类似,我们应该避免模拟被测试的对象。


创建真实对象的间谍。间谍调用真正的方法,除非他们> >存根。 真正的间谍应该小心地偶尔使用,比如当 处理遗留代码。

根据经验,使用spy()通常会降低测试质量及其可读性。 此外,由于测试对象既是模拟对象又是真实对象,因此更容易出错。 这通常是编写无效验收测试的最佳方法。


情况1)如果一个私有方法只被调用一次,就不要将该方法设为public。 它是单个方法的私有方法。因此,您永远不能复制测试逻辑,因为它只调用一次。



The private method doesn't produce duplication in the tests. -> Keep the method private as it is. The private method produces duplication in the tests. That is, you need to repeat some tests, to assert the same logic for each test that unit-tests public methods using the private method. -> If the repeated processing may make part of the API provided to clients (no security issue, no internal processing, etc...), extract the private method as a public method in a new class. -> Otherwise, if the repeated processing has not to make part of the API provided to clients (security issue, internal processing, etc...), don't widen the visibility of the private method to public. You may leave it unchanged or move the method in a private package class that will never make part of the API and would be never accessible by clients.


这些示例依赖于Java和以下库:JUnit、AssertJ(断言匹配器)和Mockito。 但是我认为整个方法对c#也是有效的。


下面是一个Computation类,它提供了执行一些计算的方法。 所有公共方法都使用mapToInts()方法。

public class Computation {

    public int add(String a, String b) {
        int[] ints = mapToInts(a, b);
        return ints[0] + ints[1];

    public int minus(String a, String b) {
        int[] ints = mapToInts(a, b);
        return ints[0] - ints[1];

    public int multiply(String a, String b) {
        int[] ints = mapToInts(a, b);
        return ints[0] * ints[1];

    private int[] mapToInts(String a, String b) {
        return new int[] { Integer.parseInt(a), Integer.parseInt(b) };



public class ComputationTest {

    private Computation computation = new Computation();

    public void add() throws Exception {
        Assert.assertEquals(7, computation.add("3", "4"));

    public void minus() throws Exception {
        Assert.assertEquals(2, computation.minus("5", "3"));

    public void multiply() throws Exception {
        Assert.assertEquals(100, computation.multiply("20", "5"));


我们可以看到私有方法mapToInts()的调用没有复制测试逻辑。 这是一个中间操作,它不会产生我们需要在测试中断言的特定结果。


下面是一个MessageService类,它提供了创建消息的方法。 所有公共方法都使用createHeader()方法:

public class MessageService {

    public Message createMessage(String message, Credentials credentials) {
        Header header = createHeader(credentials, message, false);
        return new Message(header, message);

    public Message createEncryptedMessage(String message, Credentials credentials) {
        Header header = createHeader(credentials, message, true);
        // specific processing to encrypt
        // ......
        return new Message(header, message);

    public Message createAnonymousMessage(String message) {
        Header header = createHeader(Credentials.anonymous(), message, false);
        return new Message(header, message);

    private Header createHeader(Credentials credentials, String message, boolean isEncrypted) {
        return new Header(credentials, message.length(), LocalDate.now(), isEncrypted);



import java.time.LocalDate;

import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.Test;

import junit.framework.Assert;

public class MessageServiceTest {

    private MessageService messageService = new MessageService();

    public void createMessage() throws Exception {
        final String inputMessage = "simple message";
        final Credentials inputCredentials = new Credentials("user", "pass");
        Message actualMessage = messageService.createMessage(inputMessage, inputCredentials);
        // assertion
        Assert.assertEquals(inputMessage, actualMessage.getMessage());
                  .extracting(Header::getCredentials, Header::getLength, Header::getDate, Header::isEncryptedMessage)
                  .containsExactly(inputCredentials, 9, LocalDate.now(), false);

    public void createEncryptedMessage() throws Exception {
        final String inputMessage = "encryted message";
        final Credentials inputCredentials = new Credentials("user", "pass");
        Message actualMessage = messageService.createEncryptedMessage(inputMessage, inputCredentials);
        // assertion
        Assert.assertEquals("Aç4B36ddflm1Dkok49d1d9gaz", actualMessage.getMessage());
                  .extracting(Header::getCredentials, Header::getLength, Header::getDate, Header::isEncryptedMessage)
                  .containsExactly(inputCredentials, 9, LocalDate.now(), true);

    public void createAnonymousMessage() throws Exception {
        final String inputMessage = "anonymous message";
        Message actualMessage = messageService.createAnonymousMessage(inputMessage);
        // assertion
        Assert.assertEquals(inputMessage, actualMessage.getMessage());
                  .extracting(Header::getCredentials, Header::getLength, Header::getDate, Header::isEncryptedMessage)
                  .containsExactly(Credentials.anonymous(), 9, LocalDate.now(), false);


我们可以看到私有方法createHeader()的调用在测试逻辑中创建了一些重复。 createHeader()确实创建了一个我们需要在测试中断言的特定结果。 我们断言了3倍的头内容,而应该只需要一个断言。

We could also note that the asserting duplication is close between the methods but not necessary the same as the private method has a specific logic : Of course, we could have more differences according to the logic complexity of the private method. Besides, at each time we add a new public method in MessageService that calls createHeader(), we will have to add this assertion. Note also that if createHeader() modifies its behavior, all these tests may also need to be modified. Definitively, it is not a very good design.


假设我们的情况是createHeader()可以作为API的一部分。 我们将通过将createHeader()的访问修饰符更改为public来重构MessageService类:

public Header createHeader(Credentials credentials, String message, boolean isEncrypted) {
    return new Header(credentials, message.length(), LocalDate.now(), isEncrypted);


public void createHeader_with_encrypted_message() throws Exception {
  boolean isEncrypted = true;
  // action
  Header actualHeader = messageService.createHeader(credentials, message, isEncrypted);
  // assertion
              .extracting(Header::getCredentials, Header::getLength, Header::getDate, Header::isEncryptedMessage)
              .containsExactly(Credentials.anonymous(), 9, LocalDate.now(), true);

public void createHeader_with_not_encrypted_message() throws Exception {
  boolean isEncrypted = false;
  // action
  messageService.createHeader(credentials, message, isEncrypted);
  // assertion
              .extracting(Header::getCredentials, Header::getLength, Header::getDate, Header::isEncryptedMessage)
              .containsExactly(Credentials.anonymous(), 9, LocalDate.now(), false);


But what about the tests we write previously for public methods of the class that use createHeader() ? Not many differences. In fact, we are still annoyed as these public methods still need to be tested concerning the returned header value. If we remove these assertions, we may not detect regressions about it. We should be able to naturally isolate this processing but we cannot as the createHeader() method belongs to the tested component. That's why I explained at the beginning of my answer that in most of cases, we should favor the extraction of the private method in another class to the change of the access modifier to public.


public class HeaderService {

    public Header createHeader(Credentials credentials, String message, boolean isEncrypted) {
        return new Header(credentials, message.length(), LocalDate.now(), isEncrypted);




public class MessageService {

    private HeaderService headerService;

    public MessageService(HeaderService headerService) {
        this.headerService = headerService;

    public Message createMessage(String message, Credentials credentials) {
        Header header = headerService.createHeader(credentials, message, false);
        return new Message(header, message);

    public Message createEncryptedMessage(String message, Credentials credentials) {
        Header header = headerService.createHeader(credentials, message, true);
        // specific processing to encrypt
        // ......
        return new Message(header, message);

    public Message createAnonymousMessage(String message) {
        Header header = headerService.createHeader(Credentials.anonymous(), message, false);
        return new Message(header, message);


在MessageService测试中,我们不再需要断言每个头值,因为这已经测试过了。 我们只想确保Message.getHeader()返回HeaderService.createHeader()返回的内容。


public void createMessage() throws Exception {
    final String inputMessage = "simple message";
    final Credentials inputCredentials = new Credentials("user", "pass");
    final Header fakeHeaderForMock = createFakeHeader();
    Mockito.when(headerService.createHeader(inputCredentials, inputMessage, false))
    // action
    Message actualMessage = messageService.createMessage(inputMessage, inputCredentials);
    // assertion
    Assert.assertEquals(inputMessage, actualMessage.getMessage());
    Assert.assertSame(fakeHeaderForMock, actualMessage.getHeader());

注意,assertSame()用于比较头部的对象引用,而不是内容。 现在,HeaderService.createHeader()可能会改变其行为并返回不同的值,从MessageService测试的角度来看,这无关紧要。






使用反射 给这些方法包访问权





在您的更新中,您说使用公共API进行测试很好。 这里实际上有两所学校。

黑盒测试 黑盒学派认为,类应该被视为一个黑盒,没有人可以看到其中的实现。测试这一点的唯一方法是通过公共API——就像类的用户将使用它一样。 白盒测试。 白盒学派认为自然地使用关于类实现的知识,然后测试类以了解它应该工作。


