
public double CalculateDailyProjectPullForceMax(DateTime date, string start = null, string end = null)
    Log("Calculating Daily Pull Force Max...");

    var pullForceList = start == null
                             ? _pullForce.Where((t, i) => _date[i] == date).ToList() // implicitly captured closure: end, start
                             : _pullForce.Where(
                                 (t, i) => _date[i] == date && DateTime.Compare(_time[i], DateTime.Parse(start)) > 0 && 
                                           DateTime.Compare(_time[i], DateTime.Parse(end)) < 0).ToList();

    _pullForceDailyMax = Math.Round(pullForceList.Max(), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

    return _pullForceDailyMax;

现在,我在这一行添加了一个注释,ReSharper建议进行更改。它是什么意思,或者为什么它需要改变?隐式捕获闭包:end, start



protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

    int i = 0;
    Random g = new Random();
    this.button1.Click += (sender, args) => this.label1.Text = i++.ToString();
    this.button2.Click += (sender, args) => this.label1.Text = (g.Next() + i).ToString();




@splintor 在c#中,匿名方法总是存储在每个方法的一个类中,有两种方法可以避免这种情况:

使用实例方法而不是匿名方法。 将lambda表达式的创建拆分为两个方法。




public class ValueStore
    public Object GetValue()
        return 1;

    public void SetValue(Object obj)

public class ImplicitCaptureClosure
    public void Captured()
        var x = new object();

        ValueStore store = new ValueStore();
        Action action = () => store.SetValue(x);
        Func<Object> f = () => store.GetValue();    //Implicitly capture closure: x


private sealed class c__DisplayClass2
  public object x;
  public ValueStore store;

  public c__DisplayClass2()

  //Represents the first lambda expression: () => store.SetValue(x)
  public void Capturedb__0()

  //Represents the second lambda expression: () => store.GetValue()
  public object Capturedb__1()
    return this.store.GetValue();


public void Captured()
  ImplicitCaptureClosure.c__DisplayClass2 cDisplayClass2 = new ImplicitCaptureClosure.c__DisplayClass2();
  cDisplayClass2.x = new object();
  cDisplayClass2.store = new ValueStore();
  Action action = new Action((object) cDisplayClass2, __methodptr(Capturedb__0));
  Func<object> func = new Func<object>((object) cDisplayClass2, __methodptr(Capturedb__1));


对于Linq to Sql查询,你可能会得到这个警告。lambda的作用域可能比方法的作用域更持久,因为查询通常是在方法超出作用域之后才实现的。根据您的情况,您可能希望在方法中实现结果(即通过. tolist()),以允许对L2S lambda中捕获的方法实例vars进行GC。



表示lambdas的实例方法 字段表示这些lambda捕获的所有值


class DecompileMe
    DecompileMe(Action<Action> callable1, Action<Action> callable2)
        var p1 = 1;
        var p2 = "hello";

        callable1(() => p1++);    // WARNING: Implicitly captured closure: p2

        callable2(() => { p2.ToString(); p1++; });


class DecompileMe
    DecompileMe(Action<Action> callable1, Action<Action> callable2)
        var helper = new LambdaHelper();

        helper.p1 = 1;
        helper.p2 = "hello";


    private sealed class LambdaHelper
        public int p1;
        public string p2;

        public void Lambda1() { ++p1; }

        public void Lambda2() { p2.ToString(); ++p1; }



Callable1保留了对其参数helper的长期引用。λ₁ Callable2不保留对其参数helper的引用。Lambda2




This inspection draws your attention to the fact that more closure values are being captured than is obviously visibly, which has an impact on the lifetime of these values. Consider the following code: using System; public class Class1 { private Action _someAction; public void Method() { var obj1 = new object(); var obj2 = new object(); _someAction += () => { Console.WriteLine(obj1); Console.WriteLine(obj2); }; // "Implicitly captured closure: obj2" _someAction += () => { Console.WriteLine(obj1); }; } } In the first closure, we see that both obj1 and obj2 are being explicitly captured; we can see this just by looking at the code. For the second closure, we can see that obj1 is being explicitly captured, but ReSharper is warning us that obj2 is being implicitly captured. This is due to an implementation detail in the C# compiler. During compilation, closures are rewritten into classes with fields that hold the captured values, and methods that represent the closure itself. The C# compiler will only create one such private class per method, and if more than one closure is defined in a method, then this class will contain multiple methods, one for each closure, and it will also include all captured values from all closures. If we look at the code that the compiler generates, it looks a little like this (some names have been cleaned up to ease reading): public class Class1 { [CompilerGenerated] private sealed class <>c__DisplayClass1_0 { public object obj1; public object obj2; internal void <Method>b__0() { Console.WriteLine(obj1); Console.WriteLine(obj2); } internal void <Method>b__1() { Console.WriteLine(obj1); } } private Action _someAction; public void Method() { // Create the display class - just one class for both closures var dc = new Class1.<>c__DisplayClass1_0(); // Capture the closure values as fields on the display class dc.obj1 = new object(); dc.obj2 = new object(); // Add the display class methods as closure values _someAction += new Action(dc.<Method>b__0); _someAction += new Action(dc.<Method>b__1); } } When the method runs, it creates the display class, which captures all values, for all closures. So even if a value isn't used in one of the closures, it will still be captured. This is the "implicit" capture that ReSharper is highlighting. The implication of this inspection is that the implicitly captured closure value will not be garbage collected until the closure itself is garbage collected. The lifetime of this value is now tied to the lifetime of a closure that does not explicitly use the value. If the closure is long lived, this might have a negative effect on your code, especially if the captured value is very large. Note that while this is an implementation detail of the compiler, it is consistent across versions and implementations such as Microsoft (pre and post Roslyn) or Mono's compiler. The implementation must work as described in order to correctly handle multiple closures capturing a value type. For example, if multiple closures capture an int, then they must capture the same instance, which can only happen with a single shared private nested class. The side effect of this is that the lifetime of all captured values is now the maximum lifetime of any closure that captures any of the values.