

HTTP响应代码418最初是在RFC 2324(“超文本咖啡壶控制协议(HTCPCP/1.0)”)和RFC 7168(“茶叶外排设备超文本咖啡壶控制协议(HTCPCP- Tea)”)协议中定义的。


这段代码在1998年被定义为传统的IETF愚人节玩笑之一,在RFC 2324(超文本咖啡壶控制协议)中,预计不会被实际的HTTP服务器实现。RFC指定该代码应由用于冲泡咖啡的茶壶返回。这个HTTP状态在一些网站(包括Google.com)中被用作彩蛋。


因此,如果第一个服务器确定用户已通过身份验证,它将响应418 I'm a teapot。NGINX然后在内部将流量重新路由到第二台服务器。就浏览器而言,这是一个单独的请求。

这符合HTCPCP代码418的精神,因为如果您试图使用茶壶进行BREW,则适当的响应是“我不是那种可以处理该请求的人,但可能还有其他请求。”. .换句话说,“我是茶壶。找个咖啡机。”(第二个服务员是咖啡机)。

最终,虽然418在RFC 7231中没有明确定义,但它仍然被4xx(客户端错误)的保护伞所覆盖。

6. Response Status Codes 4xx (Client Error): The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled 6.5. Client Error 4xx The 4xx (Client Error) class of status code indicates that the client seems to have erred. Except when responding to a HEAD request, the server SHOULD send a representation containing an explanation of the error situation, and whether it is a temporary or permanent condition. These status codes are applicable to any request method. User agents SHOULD display any included representation to the user.




是的,我可以确认,我已经看到HTTP 418从真正的生产服务器返回。它确实存在。

Yes it's a "real" code in the sense that it was published as part of an official RFC by the Internet Engineering Task Force, RFC-2324. However, since that RFC was published on April 1 and meant as an April fools joke (along with the rest of Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol), not for legitimate implementation, it's not a "serious" code in the typical sense*. That's why most sites use it as an Easter egg, but otherwise avoid it. As noted by wizulus in this comment, there are often more appropriate statuses like 400 (Bad Request). Despite its satirical nature, it's now a reserved code (presumably as a result of becoming a popular engineering meme for the briefest moment), so don't expect it to be going anywhere anytime soon.

*根据RFC的作者Larry M Masinter的说法,问题中的HTTP扩展实际上有一个严肃但讽刺的目的:“它确定了HTTP扩展不恰当的许多方式。”


