
Length prefixed (i.e. Pascal) strings existed before C Length prefixed strings make several algorithms faster by allowing constant time length lookup. Length prefixed strings make it more difficult to cause buffer overrun errors. Even on a 32 bit machine, if you allow the string to be the size of available memory, a length prefixed string is only three bytes wider than a null terminated string. On 16 bit machines this is a single byte. On 64 bit machines, 4GB is a reasonable string length limit, but even if you want to expand it to the size of the machine word, 64 bit machines usually have ample memory making the extra seven bytes sort of a null argument. I know the original C standard was written for insanely poor machines (in terms of memory), but the efficiency argument doesn't sell me here. Pretty much every other language (i.e. Perl, Pascal, Python, Java, C#, etc) use length prefixed strings. These languages usually beat C in string manipulation benchmarks because they are more efficient with strings. C++ rectified this a bit with the std::basic_string template, but plain character arrays expecting null terminated strings are still pervasive. This is also imperfect because it requires heap allocation. Null terminated strings have to reserve a character (namely, null), which cannot exist in the string, while length prefixed strings can contain embedded nulls.



使用空结尾字符串的Concat需要O(n + m)时间复杂度。长度前缀通常只需要O(m)。 使用空结尾字符串的长度需要O(n)时间复杂度。长度前缀为O(1)。 Length和concat是迄今为止最常见的字符串操作。在一些情况下,以空结尾的字符串可能更有效,但这种情况发生的频率要低得多。


When you need to cut off the start of a string and need to pass it to some method. You can't really do this in constant time with length prefixing even if you are allowed to destroy the original string, because the length prefix probably needs to follow alignment rules. In some cases where you're just looping through the string character by character you might be able to save a CPU register. Note that this works only in the case that you haven't dynamically allocated the string (Because then you'd have to free it, necessitating using that CPU register you saved to hold the pointer you originally got from malloc and friends).













None of BCPL, B, or C supports character data strongly in the language; each treats strings much like vectors of integers and supplements general rules by a few conventions. In both BCPL and B a string literal denotes the address of a static area initialized with the characters of the string, packed into cells. In BCPL, the first packed byte contains the number of characters in the string; in B, there is no count and strings are terminated by a special character, which B spelled *e. This change was made partially to avoid the limitation on the length of a string caused by holding the count in an 8- or 9-bit slot, and partly because maintaining the count seemed, in our experience, less convenient than using a terminator.

Dennis M Ritchie, C语言的开发








very simple, no need to introduce new concepts in language, char arrays/char pointers can do. the core language just include minimal syntaxic sugar to convert something between double quotes to a bunch of chars (really a bunch of bytes). In some cases it can be used to initialize things completely unrelated with text. For instance xpm image file format is a valid C source that contains image data encoded as a string. by the way, you can put a zero in a string literal, the compiler will just also add another one at the end of the literal: "this\0is\0valid\0C". Is it a string ? or four strings ? Or a bunch of bytes... flat implementation, no hidden indirection, no hidden integer. no hidden memory allocation involved (well, some infamous non standard functions like strdup perform allocation, but that's mostly a source of problem). no specific issue for small or large hardware (imagine the burden to manage 32 bits prefix length on 8 bits microcontrollers, or the restrictions of limiting string size to less than 256 bytes, that was a problem I actually had with Turbo Pascal eons ago). implementation of string manipulation is just a handful of very simple library function efficient for the main use of strings : constant text read sequentially from a known start (mostly messages to the user). the terminating zero is not even mandatory, all necessary tools to manipulate chars like a bunch of bytes are available. When performing array initialisation in C, you can even avoid the NUL terminator. Just set the right size. char a[3] = "foo"; is valid C (not C++) and won't put a final zero in a. coherent with the unix point of view "everything is file", including "files" that have no intrinsic length like stdin, stdout. You should remember that open read and write primitives are implemented at a very low level. They are not library calls, but system calls. And the same API is used for binary or text files. File reading primitives get a buffer address and a size and return the new size. And you can use strings as the buffer to write. Using another kind of string representation would imply you can't easily use a literal string as the buffer to output, or you would have to make it have a very strange behavior when casting it to char*. Namely not to return the address of the string, but instead to return the actual data. very easy to manipulate text data read from a file in-place, without useless copy of buffer, just insert zeroes at the right places (well, not really with modern C as double quoted strings are const char arrays nowaday usually kept in non modifiable data segment). prepending some int values of whatever size would implies alignment issues. The initial length should be aligned, but there is no reason to do that for the characters datas (and again, forcing alignment of strings would imply problems when treating them as a bunch of bytes). length is known at compile time for constant literal strings (sizeof). So why would anyone want to store it in memory prepending it to actual data ? in a way C is doing as (nearly) everyone else, strings are viewed as arrays of char. As array length is not managed by C, it is logical length is not managed either for strings. The only surprising thing is that 0 item added at the end, but that's just at core language level when typing a string between double quotes. Users can perfectly call string manipulation functions passing length, or even use plain memcopy instead. SZ are just a facility. In most other languages array length is managed, it's logical that is the same for strings. in modern times anyway 1 byte character sets are not enough and you often have to deal with encoded unicode strings where the number of characters is very different of the number of bytes. It implies that users will probably want more than "just the size", but also other informations. Keeping length give use nothing (particularly no natural place to store them) regarding these other useful pieces of information.




正常char数组或非字符串没有最终为零,因此程序员必须把它本身如果他想叫一些C函数从D .字符串字面量的具体情况,然而D编译器仍然把零在每个字符串(允许容易把C字符串容易调用C函数?),但这零不是字符串的一部分(D不计算字符串大小)。

The only thing that disappointed me somewhat is that strings are supposed to be utf-8, but length apparently still returns a number of bytes (at least it's true on my compiler gdc) even when using multi-byte chars. It is unclear to me if it's a compiler bug or by purpose. (OK, I probably have found out what happened. To say to D compiler your source use utf-8 you have to put some stupid byte order mark at beginning. I write stupid because I know of not editor doing that, especially for UTF-8 that is supposed to be ASCII compatible).



