
:root {
  --mobile-breakpoint: 642px;

@media (max-width: var(--mobile-breakpoint)) {






如果你阅读了规范并有一个问题,或者如果你想表达你对媒体查询用例的支持,你可以在第2627期,第3578期,或任何标记为“CSS -env-1”的CSS GitHub问题中这样做。

GitHub issue #2627和GitHub issue #3578致力于媒体查询中的自定义环境变量。

Original answer from 2017-11-09: Recently, the CSS Working Group decided that CSS Variables Level 2 will support user-defined environment variables using env(), and they will try to make them be valid in media queries. The Group resolved this after Apple first proposed standard user-agent properties, shortly before the official announcement of iPhone X in September 2017 (see also WebKit: “Designing Websites for iPhone X” by Timothy Horton). Other browser representatives then agreed they would be generally useful across many devices, such as television displays and ink printing with bleed edges. (env() used to be called constant(), but that has now been deprecated. You might still see articles that refer to the old name, such as this article by Peter-Paul Koch.) After some weeks passed, Cameron McCormack of Mozilla realized that these environment variables would be usable in media queries, and Tab Atkins, Jr. of Google then realized that user-defined environment variables would be especially useful as global, non-overridable root variables usable in media queries. Now, Dean “Dino” Jackson of Apple will join Atkins in editing Level 2.

您可以在w3c/ CSSWG -drafts GitHub issue #1693中订阅有关此问题的更新(特别是相关的历史细节,扩展嵌入CSSWG会议机器人决议中的会议日志,并搜索“MQ”,即“媒体查询”)。



const mobile_breakpoint = "642px";
const media_query = window.matchMedia(`(max-width: ${mobile_breakpoint})`);
function toggle_mobile (e) {
  if (e.matches) {
  } else {
// call the function immediately to set the initial value:
// watch for changes to update the value:
media_query.addEventListener("change", toggle_mobile);


.my-div {
  /* large screen rules */

.mobile .my-div {
  /* mobile screen rules */




如果你阅读了规范并有一个问题,或者如果你想表达你对媒体查询用例的支持,你可以在第2627期,第3578期,或任何标记为“CSS -env-1”的CSS GitHub问题中这样做。

GitHub issue #2627和GitHub issue #3578致力于媒体查询中的自定义环境变量。

Original answer from 2017-11-09: Recently, the CSS Working Group decided that CSS Variables Level 2 will support user-defined environment variables using env(), and they will try to make them be valid in media queries. The Group resolved this after Apple first proposed standard user-agent properties, shortly before the official announcement of iPhone X in September 2017 (see also WebKit: “Designing Websites for iPhone X” by Timothy Horton). Other browser representatives then agreed they would be generally useful across many devices, such as television displays and ink printing with bleed edges. (env() used to be called constant(), but that has now been deprecated. You might still see articles that refer to the old name, such as this article by Peter-Paul Koch.) After some weeks passed, Cameron McCormack of Mozilla realized that these environment variables would be usable in media queries, and Tab Atkins, Jr. of Google then realized that user-defined environment variables would be especially useful as global, non-overridable root variables usable in media queries. Now, Dean “Dino” Jackson of Apple will join Atkins in editing Level 2.

您可以在w3c/ CSSWG -drafts GitHub issue #1693中订阅有关此问题的更新(特别是相关的历史细节,扩展嵌入CSSWG会议机器人决议中的会议日志,并搜索“MQ”,即“媒体查询”)。


:root {
     /* desktop vars */
@media screen and (max-width: 479px) {
    :root {
        /* mobile vars */

完全适用于Chrome, Firefox和Edge,至少是最新的生产版本。




@custom-media --narrow-window (max-width: 30em);

@media (--narrow-window) {
  /* narrow window styles */
@media (--narrow-window) and (script) {
  /* special styles for when script is allowed */




:root {
  --gutter: 4px;

section {
  margin: var(--gutter);

@media (min-width: 600px) {
  :root {
    --gutter: 16px;