我的web应用程序使用会话存储关于用户的信息,一旦他们登录,并维护这些信息,因为他们在应用程序内从页面到页面。在这个特定的应用程序中,我存储的人的user_id, first_name和last_name。






User logs in with 'keep me logged in' Create session Create a cookie called SOMETHING containing: md5(salt+username+ip+salt) and a cookie called somethingElse containing id Store cookie in database User does stuff and leaves ---- User returns, check for somethingElse cookie, if it exists, get the old hash from the database for that user, check of the contents of cookie SOMETHING match with the hash from the database, which should also match with a newly calculated hash (for the ip) thus: cookieHash==databaseHash==md5(salt+username+ip+salt), if they do, goto 2, if they don't goto 1





Implementing a "Keep Me Logged In" feature means you need to define exactly what that will mean to the user. In the simplest case, I would use that to mean the session has a much longer timeout: 2 days (say) instead of 2 hours. To do that, you will need your own session storage, probably in a database, so you can set custom expiry times for the session data. Then you need to make sure you set a cookie that will stick around for a few days (or longer), rather than expire when they close the browser.



我推荐Stefan提到的方法(即遵循改进的持久登录Cookie最佳实践中的指导方针),也建议你确保你的Cookie是HttpOnly Cookie,这样它们就不会被潜在的恶意JavaScript访问。













当用户登录时,生成一个较大的(128 ~ 256位)随机令牌。将其添加到将令牌映射到用户id的数据库表中,然后将其发送到cookie中的客户端。



possibilities = 2^128
possibilities = 3.4 * 10^38


guesses_per_second = servers * guesses
guesses_per_second = 50,000,000 * 1,000,000,000
guesses_per_second = 50,000,000,000,000,000


time_to_guess = possibilities / guesses_per_second
time_to_guess = 3.4e38 / 50,000,000,000,000,000
time_to_guess = 6,800,000,000,000,000,000,000



215,626,585,489,599 years


47917 times the age of the universe





function onLogin($user) {
    $token = GenerateRandomToken(); // generate a token, should be 128 - 256 bit
    storeTokenForUser($user, $token);
    $cookie = $user . ':' . $token;
    $mac = hash_hmac('sha256', $cookie, SECRET_KEY);
    $cookie .= ':' . $mac;
    setcookie('rememberme', $cookie);


function rememberMe() {
    $cookie = isset($_COOKIE['rememberme']) ? $_COOKIE['rememberme'] : '';
    if ($cookie) {
        list ($user, $token, $mac) = explode(':', $cookie);
        if (!hash_equals(hash_hmac('sha256', $user . ':' . $token, SECRET_KEY), $mac)) {
            return false;
        $usertoken = fetchTokenByUserName($user);
        if (hash_equals($usertoken, $token)) {



hash_equals()是为了防止定时攻击。 如果使用PHP 5.6以下的版本,则不支持hash_equals()函数。在这种情况下,你可以用timingSafeCompare函数替换hash_equals():

 * A timing safe equals comparison
 * To prevent leaking length information, it is important
 * that user input is always used as the second parameter.
 * @param string $safe The internal (safe) value to be checked
 * @param string $user The user submitted (unsafe) value
 * @return boolean True if the two strings are identical.
function timingSafeCompare($safe, $user) {
    if (function_exists('hash_equals')) {
        return hash_equals($safe, $user); // PHP 5.6
    // Prevent issues if string length is 0
    $safe .= chr(0);
    $user .= chr(0);

    // mbstring.func_overload can make strlen() return invalid numbers
    // when operating on raw binary strings; force an 8bit charset here:
    if (function_exists('mb_strlen')) {
        $safeLen = mb_strlen($safe, '8bit');
        $userLen = mb_strlen($user, '8bit');
    } else {
        $safeLen = strlen($safe);
        $userLen = strlen($user);

    // Set the result to the difference between the lengths
    $result = $safeLen - $userLen;

    // Note that we ALWAYS iterate over the user-supplied length
    // This is to prevent leaking length information
    for ($i = 0; $i < $userLen; $i++) {
        // Using % here is a trick to prevent notices
        // It's safe, since if the lengths are different
        // $result is already non-0
        $result |= (ord($safe[$i % $safeLen]) ^ ord($user[$i]));

    // They are only identical strings if $result is exactly 0...
    return $result === 0;



识别 安全


在常见的浏览器cookie盗窃漏洞和跨站点脚本攻击之间,我们必须接受cookie是不安全的。为了帮助提高安全性,您必须注意php setcookies具有额外的功能,例如

Bool setcookie (string $name [, string $value [, int $expire = 0 [, string $path [, string $domain [, Bool $secure = false [, Bool $httponly = false]]]]]])

secure(使用HTTPS连接) httponly(通过XSS攻击减少身份盗窃)


令牌(长度为n的不可预知的随机字符串,例如。/dev/urandom) 参考(长度为n的不可预知的随机字符串,例如。/dev/urandom) 签名(使用HMAC方法生成键控哈希值)



用户使用“记住我”登录 带令牌和签名的登录Cookie 什么时候返回,检查签名 如果签名是ok ..然后在数据库中查找username & token 如果无效..返回登录页面 如果有效,自动登录


没有办法知道饼干是不是被偷了 攻击者可能是访问敏感操作,如更改密码或数据,如个人和烘焙信息等。 受损害的cookie在cookie生命周期内仍然有效



用户已登录,并选中“记住我” 生成令牌和签名并存储在cookie中 令牌是随机的,仅对单个身份验证有效 令牌将在每次访问站点时替换 当一个未登录的用户访问网站时,签名、令牌和用户名将被验证 记住我的登录应该有限制的访问,不允许修改密码,个人信息等。


// Set privateKey
// This should be saved securely 
$key = 'fc4d57ed55a78de1a7b31e711866ef5a2848442349f52cd470008f6d30d47282';
$key = pack("H*", $key); // They key is used in binary form

// Am Using Memecahe as Sample Database
$db = new Memcache();

try {
    // Start Remember Me
    $rememberMe = new RememberMe($key);
    $rememberMe->setDB($db); // set example database

    // Check if remember me is present
    if ($data = $rememberMe->auth()) {
        printf("Returning User %s\n", $data['user']);

        // Limit Acces Level
        // Disable Change of password and private information etc

    } else {
        // Sample user
        $user = "baba";

        // Do normal login
        printf("New Account %s\n", $user);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    printf("#Error  %s\n", $e->getMessage());


class RememberMe {
    private $key = null;
    private $db;

    function __construct($privatekey) {
        $this->key = $privatekey;

    public function setDB($db) {
        $this->db = $db;

    public function auth() {

        // Check if remeber me cookie is present
        if (! isset($_COOKIE["auto"]) || empty($_COOKIE["auto"])) {
            return false;

        // Decode cookie value
        if (! $cookie = @json_decode($_COOKIE["auto"], true)) {
            return false;

        // Check all parameters
        if (! (isset($cookie['user']) || isset($cookie['token']) || isset($cookie['signature']))) {
            return false;

        $var = $cookie['user'] . $cookie['token'];

        // Check Signature
        if (! $this->verify($var, $cookie['signature'])) {
            throw new Exception("Cokies has been tampared with");

        // Check Database
        $info = $this->db->get($cookie['user']);
        if (! $info) {
            return false; // User must have deleted accout

        // Check User Data
        if (! $info = json_decode($info, true)) {
            throw new Exception("User Data corrupted");

        // Verify Token
        if ($info['token'] !== $cookie['token']) {
            throw new Exception("System Hijacked or User use another browser");

         * Important
         * To make sure the cookie is always change
         * reset the Token information

        return $info;

    public function remember($user) {
        $cookie = [
                "user" => $user,
                "token" => $this->getRand(64),
                "signature" => null
        $cookie['signature'] = $this->hash($cookie['user'] . $cookie['token']);
        $encoded = json_encode($cookie);

        // Add User to database
        $this->db->set($user, $encoded);

         * Set Cookies
         * In production enviroment Use
         * setcookie("auto", $encoded, time() + $expiration, "/~root/",
         * "example.com", 1, 1);
        setcookie("auto", $encoded); // Sample

    public function verify($data, $hash) {
        $rand = substr($hash, 0, 4);
        return $this->hash($data, $rand) === $hash;

    private function hash($value, $rand = null) {
        $rand = $rand === null ? $this->getRand(4) : $rand;
        return $rand . bin2hex(hash_hmac('sha256', $value . $rand, $this->key, true));

    private function getRand($length) {
        switch (true) {
            case function_exists("mcrypt_create_iv") :
                $r = mcrypt_create_iv($length, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
            case function_exists("openssl_random_pseudo_bytes") :
                $r = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($length);
            case is_readable('/dev/urandom') : // deceze
                $r = file_get_contents('/dev/urandom', false, null, 0, $length);
            default :
                $i = 0;
                $r = "";
                while($i ++ < $length) {
                    $r .= chr(mt_rand(0, 255));
        return substr(bin2hex($r), 0, $length);



更好的安全性 攻击者访问受限 当cookie被盗时,它只对单次访问有效 当下一次原始用户访问该网站时,您可以自动检测并通知用户盗窃


不支持通过多个浏览器(移动和Web)进行持久连接 cookie仍然可以被窃取,因为用户只有在下次登录后才会收到通知。


为每个必须有持久连接的系统引入审批系统 使用多个cookie进行认证



但实际上,您可以从2个不同的域(example.com & fakeaddsite.com)验证用户,并使其看起来像“广告Cookie”

用户使用“记住我”登录example.com 存储用户名,令牌,在cookie引用 存储用户名,令牌,在数据库引用等。Memcache 通过get和iframe发送引用id到fakeaddsite.com fakeaddsite.com使用引用从数据库获取用户和令牌 Fakeaddsite.com存储签名 当用户从fakeaddsite.com返回带有iframe的签名信息时 结合数据并进行验证 …你知道剩下的

有些人可能会想,你怎么能使用两个不同的cookie呢?这是可能的,想象example.com = localhost和fakeaddsite.com =。如果你检查饼干,它看起来是这样的


当前访问的站点是localhost 它还包含从192.168.1.120设置的cookie

只接受定义的HTTP_REFERER 只接受来自指定REMOTE_ADDR的连接 没有JavaScript,没有内容,但除了签名信息和从cookie中添加或检索它之外没有任何内容


99%的情况下你都能骗过攻击者 您可以在攻击者第一次尝试时轻松锁定该帐户 与其他方法一样,在下次登录之前就可以阻止攻击







$data = (SALT + ":" + hash(User Agent) + ":" + username 
                     + ":" + LoginTimestamp + ":"+ SALT)



Get cookie data. Remove dangerous characters inside cookie. Explode it with : character. Check validity. If cookie is older than X days then redirect user to login page. If cookie is not old; Get latest password change time from database. If password is changed after user's last login redirect user to login page. If pass wasn't changed recently; Get user's current browser agent. Check whether (currentUserAgentHash == cookieUserAgentHash). IF agents are same go to next step, else redirect to login page. If all steps passed successfully authorize username.




Create a table to store "Remember Me" data in - separate to the user table so that I can log in from multiple devices. On successful login (with Remember Me ticked): a) Generate a unique random string to be used as the UserID on this machine: bigUserID b) Generate a unique random string: bigKey c) Store a cookie: bigUserID:bigKey d) In the "Remember Me" table, add a record with: UserID, IP Address, bigUserID, bigKey If trying to access something that requires login: a) Check for the cookie and search for bigUserID & bigKey with a matching IP address b) If you find it, Log the person in but set a flag in the user table "soft login" so that for any dangerous operations, you can prompt for a full login. On logout, Mark all the "Remember Me" records for that user as expired.


你就可以拿到别人的笔记本电脑,用cookie欺骗他们的IP地址。 你可以每次欺骗一个不同的IP地址,并猜出整个事情-但有两个大字符串来匹配,这将是…做类似于上面的计算…我不知道……巨大的机会吗?


NEVER store a password in clear text...EVER! NEVER store a user's hashed password in more than one location in your database. Your server backend is always capable of pulling the hashed password from the users table. It's not more efficient to store redundant data in lieu of additional DB transactions, the inverse is true. Your Session ID's should be unique, so no two users could ever share an ID, hence the purpose of an ID (could your Driver's License ID number ever match another persons? No.) This generates a two-piece unique combination, based on 2 unique strings. Your Sessions table should use the ID as the PK. To allow multiple devices to be trusted for auto-signin, use another table for trusted devices which contains the list of all validated devices (see my example below), and is mapped using the username. It serves no purpose to hash known data into a cookie, the cookie can be copied. What we are looking for is a complying user device to provide authentic information that cannot be obtained without an attacker compromising the user's machine (again, see my example). This would mean, however, that a legitimate user who forbids his machine's static information (i.e. MAC address, device hostname, useragent if restricted by browser, etc.) from remaining consistent (or spoofs it in the first place) will not be able to use this feature. But if this is a concern, consider the fact that you are offering auto-signin to users whom identify themselves uniquely, so if they refuse to be known by spoofing their MAC, spoofing their useragent, spoofing/changing their hostname, hiding behind proxies, etc., then they are not identifiable, and should never be authenticated for an automatic service. If you want this, you need to look into smart-card access bundled with client-side software that establishes identity for the device being used.


First, the cheap, easy way that puts it all on someone else. If you make your site support logging in with, say, your google+ account, you probably have a streamlined google+ button that will log the user in if they are already signed into google (I did that here to answer this question, as I am always signed into google). If you want the user automatically signed in if they are already signed in with a trusted and supported authenticator, and checked the box to do so, have your client-side scripts perform the code behind the corresponding 'sign-in with' button before loading, just be sure to have the server store a unique ID in an auto-signin table that has the username, session ID, and the authenticator used for the user. Since these sign-in methods use AJAX, you are waiting for a response anyway, and that response is either a validated response or a rejection. If you get a validated response, use it as normal, then continue loading the logged in user as normal. Otherwise, the login failed, but don't tell the user, just continue as not logged in, they will notice. This is to prevent an attacker who stole cookies (or forged them in an attempt to escalate privileges) from learning that the user auto-signs into the site.



User 'joe' visits site for first time, Session ID placed in cookie 'session'. User 'joe' Logs in, escalates privileges, gets new Session ID and renews cookie 'session'. User 'joe' elects to auto-signin using google+, gets a unique ID placed in cookie 'keepmesignedin'. User 'joe' has google keep them signed in, allowing your site to auto-signin the user using google in your backend. Attacker systematically tries unique IDs for 'keepmesignedin' (this is public knowledge handed out to every user), and is not signed into anywhere else; tries unique ID given to 'joe'. Server receives Unique ID for 'joe', pulls match in DB for a google+ account. Server sends Attacker to login page that runs an AJAX request to google to login. Google server receives request, uses its API to see Attacker is not logged in currently. Google sends response that there is no currently signed in user over this connection. Attacker's page receives response, script automatically redirects to login page with a POST value encoded in the url. Login page gets the POST value, sends the cookie for 'keepmesignedin' to an empty value and a valid until date of 1-1-1970 to deter an automatic attempt, causing the Attacker's browser to simply delete the cookie. Attacker is given normal first-time login page.



= = = = = = = = =



TABLE users:
UID - auto increment, PK
username - varchar(255), unique, indexed, NOT NULL
password_hash - varchar(255), NOT NULL


TABLE sessions:
session_id - varchar(?), PK
session_token - varchar(?), NOT NULL
session_data - MediumText, NOT NULL

Note that there is no user field in this table, because the username, when logged in, is in the session data, and the program does not allow null data. The session_id and the session_token can be generated using random md5 hashes, sha1/128/256 hashes, datetime stamps with random strings added to them then hashed, or whatever you would like, but the entropy of your output should remain as high as tolerable to mitigate brute-force attacks from even getting off the ground, and all hashes generated by your session class should be checked for matches in the sessions table prior to attempting to add them.

TABLE autologin:
UID - auto increment, PK
username - varchar(255), NOT NULL, allow duplicates
hostname - varchar(255), NOT NULL, allow duplicates
mac_address - char(23), NOT NULL, unique
token - varchar(?), NOT NULL, allow duplicates
expires - datetime code

MAC addresses by their nature are supposed to be UNIQUE, therefore it makes sense that each entry has a unique value. Hostnames, on the other hand, could be duplicated on separate networks legitimately. How many people use "Home-PC" as one of their computer names? The username is taken from the session data by the server backend, so manipulating it is impossible. As for the token, the same method to generate session tokens for pages should be used to generate tokens in cookies for the user auto-signin. Lastly, the datetime code is added for when the user would need to revalidate their credentials. Either update this datetime on user login keeping it within a few days, or force it to expire regardless of last login keeping it only for a month or so, whichever your design dictates.

This prevents someone from systematically spoofing the MAC and hostname for a user they know auto-signs in. NEVER have the user keep a cookie with their password, clear text or otherwise. Have the token be regenerated on each page navigation, just as you would the session token. This massively reduces the likelihood that an attacker could obtain a valid token cookie and use it to login. Some people will try to say that an attacker could steal the cookies from the victim and do a session replay attack to login. If an attacker could steal the cookies (which is possible), they would certainly have compromised the entire device, meaning they could just use the device to login anyway, which defeats the purpose of stealing cookies entirely. As long as your site runs over HTTPS (which it should when dealing with passwords, CC numbers, or other login systems), you have afforded all the protection to the user that you can within a browser.

One thing to keep in mind: session data should not expire if you use auto-signin. You can expire the ability to continue the session falsely, but validating into the system should resume the session data if it is persistent data that is expected to continue between sessions. If you want both persistent AND non-persistent session data, use another table for persistent session data with the username as the PK, and have the server retrieve it like it would the normal session data, just use another variable.

Once a login has been achieved in this way, the server should still validate the session. This is where you can code expectations for stolen or compromised systems; patterns and other expected results of logins to session data can often lead to conclusions that a system was hijacked or cookies were forged in order to gain access. This is where your ISS Tech can put rules that would trigger an account lockdown or auto-removal of a user from the auto-signin system, keeping attackers out long enough for the user to determine how the attacker succeeded and how to cut them off.


如果有人期望在我的回答中给出代码,我很抱歉,这不会发生在这里。我会说我使用PHP, jQuery和AJAX来运行我的网站,我从不使用Windows作为服务器…永远。

我读了所有的答案,仍然发现很难提取我应该做什么。如果一张图片相当于1k个单词,我希望这有助于其他人实现基于Barry Jaspan的改进的持久登录Cookie最佳实践的安全持久存储



$cookieString = password_hash($username, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);

