



if %v1% == a (if %v2% == b (echo yes) else echo no) else echo no


if %v1% == a (echo yes) else (if %v2% == b (echo yes) else echo no)


另一种选择是寻找unix shell,它可以提供逻辑操作符和更多的功能。如果您不想走cygwin路线,您可以在这里获得Bourne shell的本地win32实现。本地bash可以在这里找到。我很确定你可以很容易谷歌其他好的替代品,如zsh或tcsh。



if %age% geq 2 (
    if %age% leq 12 (
        set class=child


if %age% geq 2 if %age% leq 12 set class=child


set res=F
if %hour% leq 6 set res=T
if %hour% geq 22 set res=T
if "%res%"=="T" (
    set state=asleep




The presence of the cmd and windows-console tags; Prior experience of some people failing to recognise the very real difference between cmd and MS-DOS batch languages, and conflating DOC with the cmd terminal window; The question using the more generic "DOS" rather than specifically "MS-DOS" (where "DOS" could possibly be any disk operating system; The fact this is Stack Overflow rather than the retro-computing sister site, where a question about MS-DOS would be way more appropriate (I'm often on that site as well, it's nice for those of us who remember and appreciate computer history); and The (eventual) acceptance of the answer by the original asker, indicating that the solution worked.


if "%a%" == "ONE" goto do_thing
if "%a%" == "TWO" (
   echo a is equal to ONE or TWO

Athul Prakash (age 16 at the time) gave a logical idea for how to implement an OR test by negating the conditions in IF statements and then using the ELSE clause as the location to put the code that requires execution. I thought to myself that there are however two else clauses usually needed since he is suggesting using two IF statements, and so the executed code needs to be written twice. However, if a GOTO is used to skip past the required code, instead of writing ELSE clauses the code for execution only needs to be written once.

下面是一个可测试的例子,我将如何实现Athul Prakash的否定逻辑来创建一个OR。


@SET /p tanklicence=tanklicence:
@SET /p militaryservice=militaryservice:

IF /I NOT %tanklicence%==true IF /I NOT %militaryservice%==true GOTO done

ECHO I am driving a tank with tanklicence set to %tanklicence% and militaryservice set to %militaryservice%



只有OR部分是棘手的,但对于一个包含NOT OR AND的普通布尔表达式,唯一好的解决方案是:

REM if A == B OR C == C then yes

(call :strequ A B || call :strequ C C) && echo yes
exit /b

if "%1" == "%2" exit /b 0
exit /b 1