
日期:2016-02-29 12:24:26 至2016年2月29日


let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "MM-dd-yyyy"
dateFormatter.timeZone = NSTimeZone(name: "UTC")
let date: NSDate? = dateFormatter.dateFromString("2016-02-29 12:24:26")

Many posters have problems debugging their RewriteRule and RewriteCond statements within their .htaccess files. Most of these are using a shared hosting service and therefore don't have access to the root server configuration. They cannot avoid using .htaccess files for rewriting and cannot enable a RewriteLogLevel" as many respondents suggest. Also there are many .htaccess-specific pitfalls and constraints are aren't covered well. Setting up a local test LAMP stack involves too much of a learning curve for most.


Understand that the mod_rewrite engine cycles through .htaccess files. The engine runs this loop: do execute server and vhost rewrites (in the Apache Virtual Host Config) find the lowest "Per Dir" .htaccess file on the file path with rewrites enabled if found(.htaccess) execute .htaccess rewrites (in the user's directory) while rewrite occurred So your rules will get executed repeatedly and if you change the URI path then it may end up executing other .htaccessfiles if they exist. So make sure that you terminate this loop, if necessary by adding extra RewriteCond to stop rules firing. Also delete any lower level .htaccess rewrite rulesets unless explicitly intent to use multi-level rulesets. Make sure that the syntax of each Regexp is correct by testing against a set of test patterns to make sure that is a valid syntax and does what you intend with a fully range of test URIs. See answer below for more details. Build up your rules incrementally in a test directory. You can make use of the "execute the deepest .htaccess file on the path feature" to set up a separate test directory (tree) and debug rulesets here without screwing up your main rules and stopping your site working. You have to add them one at a time because this is the only way to localise failures to individual rules. Use a dummy script stub to dump out server and environment variables. (See Listing 2)If your app uses, say, blog/index.php then you can copy this into test/blog/index.php and use it to test out your blog rules in the test subdirectory. You can also use environment variables to make sure that the rewrite engine in interpreting substitution strings correctly, e.g. RewriteRule ^(.*) - [E=TEST0:%{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/blog/html_cache/$1.html] and look for these REDIRECT_* variables in the phpinfo dump. BTW, I used this one and discovered on my site that I had to use %{ENV:DOCUMENT_ROOT_REAL} instead. In the case of redirector looping REDIRECT_REDIRECT_* variables list the previous pass. Etc.. Make sure that you don't get bitten by your browser caching incorrect 301 redirects. See answer below. My thanks to Ulrich Palha for this. The rewrite engine seems sensitive to cascaded rules within an .htaccess context, (that is where a RewriteRule results in a substitution and this falls though to further rules), as I found bugs with internal sub-requests (1), and incorrect PATH_INFO processing which can often be prevents by use of the [NS], [L] and [PT] flags.




在MySQL中有一个很好的方法来复制SQL Server函数ROW_NUMBER()?


    col1, col2, 
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY col1, col2 ORDER BY col3 DESC) AS intRow
FROM Table1

然后,例如,我可以添加一个条件,将intRow限制为1,以获得每个(col1, col2)对的col3最高的单行。


<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond !{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]


我希望我的网站被重定向到https://www。使用HTTPS,并强制执行www。子域名, 但当我访问http://www时。(没有HTTPS),它不会重定向到https://www与HTTPS。




Person | Group | Age
Bob  | 1     | 32  
Jill | 1     | 34  
Shawn| 1     | 42  
Jake | 2     | 29  
Paul | 2     | 36  
Laura| 2     | 39  


Shawn | 1     | 42    
Laura | 2     | 39  


username, date,      value
brad,     1/2/2010,  1.1
fred,     1/3/2010,  1.0
bob,      8/4/2009,  1.5
brad,     2/2/2010,  1.2
fred,     12/2/2009, 1.3





RUN bash
/bin/sh: bash: not found

RUN ./gradlew build
env: can't execute 'bash': No such file or directory



客户:id,姓名 购买:id, customer_id, item_id,日期


如果(purchase) id保证按日期排序,是否可以使用LIMIT 1之类的东西来简化语句?


year, id, rate
WHERE year BETWEEN 2000 AND 2009
AND id IN (SELECT rid FROM table2)
GROUP BY id, year
ORDER BY id, rate DESC


year    id  rate
2006    p01 8
2003    p01 7.4
2008    p01 6.8
2001    p01 5.9
2007    p01 5.3
2009    p01 4.4
2002    p01 3.9
2004    p01 3.5
2005    p01 2.1
2000    p01 0.8
2001    p02 12.5
2004    p02 12.4
2002    p02 12.2
2003    p02 10.3
2000    p02 8.7
2006    p02 4.6
2007    p02 3.3


2006    p01 8
2003    p01 7.4
2008    p01 6.8
2001    p01 5.9
2007    p01 5.3
2001    p02 12.5
2004    p02 12.4
2002    p02 12.2
2003    p02 10.3
2000    p02 8.7

是否有一种方法来做到这一点,使用一些限制之类的修饰符,在GROUP BY中工作?

我已经在我的Vista机器上安装了新的Apache 2.2,一切都很好,除了mod重写。


LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.s


RewriteRule not_found %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/index.php?page=404
