我一直在研究一种方法,在多个设备(如iPad或Mac)之间同步存储在iPhone应用程序中的核心数据。在iOS上,用于core data的同步框架并不多(如果有的话)。然而,我一直在思考以下概念:

A change is made to the local core data store, and the change is saved. (a) If the device is online, it tries to send the changeset to the server, including the device ID of the device which sent the changeset. (b) If the changeset does not reach the server, or if the device is not online, the app will add the change set to a queue to send when it does come online. The server, sitting in the cloud, merges the specific change sets it receives with its master database. After a change set (or a queue of change sets) is merged on the cloud server, the server pushes all of those change sets to the other devices registered with the server using some sort of polling system. (I thought to use Apple's Push services, but apparently according to the comments this is not a workable system.)

有什么特别的需要我考虑的吗?我已经研究了REST框架,如ObjectiveResource、Core Resource和RestfulCoreData。当然,这些都是与Ruby on Rails一起工作的,我并不依赖于Ruby on Rails,但这是一个起点。我的解决方案的主要要求是:

任何更改都应该在后台发送,而不需要暂停主线程。 它应该使用尽可能少的带宽。


Making sure that the object IDs for the different data stores on different devices are attached on the server. That is to say, I will have a table of object IDs and device IDs, which are tied via a reference to the object stored in the database. I will have a record (DatabaseId [unique to this table], ObjectId [unique to the item in the whole database], Datafield1, Datafield2), the ObjectId field will reference another table, AllObjects: (ObjectId, DeviceId, DeviceObjectId). Then, when the device pushes up a change set, it will pass along the device Id and the objectId from the core data object in the local data store. Then my cloud server will check against the objectId and device Id in the AllObjects table, and find the record to change in the initial table. All changes should be timestamped, so that they can be merged. The device will have to poll the server, without using up too much battery. The local devices will also need to update anything held in memory if/when changes are received from the server.


我已经非常熟悉关系数据库,并且在过去使用过SQLite(和其他数据库)。然而,Core Data有一定的吸引力,所以我正在考虑花一些时间学习它,以便在下一个应用程序中使用。

在SQLite上使用Core Data是否有很大的好处,反之亦然?它们各自的优点和缺点是什么?

我发现很难证明学习Core Data的成本是合理的,因为苹果的许多旗舰应用程序(如Mail)都没有使用Core Data。app或iPhoto。app -而不是选择SQLite数据库。SQLite在iPhone上也被广泛使用。




Xcode 4.1 (build 4B110)为我创建了文件Item.h, Item.h。m, SubItem.h和SubItem.h。


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

#import <CoreData/CoreData.h>

@class SubItem;

@interface Item : NSManagedObject {

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * name;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSOrderedSet *subitems;

@interface Item (CoreDataGeneratedAccessors)

- (void)insertObject:(SubItem *)value inSubitemsAtIndex:(NSUInteger)idx;
- (void)removeObjectFromSubitemsAtIndex:(NSUInteger)idx;
- (void)insertSubitems:(NSArray *)value atIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)indexes;
- (void)removeSubitemsAtIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)indexes;
- (void)replaceObjectInSubitemsAtIndex:(NSUInteger)idx withObject:(SubItem *)value;
- (void)replaceSubitemsAtIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)indexes withSubitems:(NSArray *)values;
- (void)addSubitemsObject:(SubItem *)value;
- (void)removeSubitemsObject:(SubItem *)value;
- (void)addSubitems:(NSOrderedSet *)values;
- (void)removeSubitems:(NSOrderedSet *)values;



#import "Item.h"
#import "SubItem.h"

@implementation Item

@dynamic name;
@dynamic subitems;



Item *item = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"Item" inManagedObjectContext:self.managedObjectContext];
item.name = @"FirstItem";

SubItem *subItem = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"SubItem" inManagedObjectContext:self.managedObjectContext];

[item addSubitemsObject:subItem];


2011-09-12 10:28:45.236 Test[2002:707] *** -[NSSet intersectsSet:]: set argument is not an NSSet



在我的错误报告刚刚过去1787天之后,今天(2016年8月1日),苹果公司给我写了这样的话:“请用最新的iOS 10测试版验证这个问题,并在bugreport.apple.com上更新你的错误报告。”让我们希望这是正确的时间:)

我使用Core Data在本地持久化Web服务调用的结果。web服务返回完整的对象模型,比如说,“Cars”——可能有2000辆车(我不能让web服务返回小于1辆或ALL辆的任何东西。

下次打开应用程序时,我希望通过再次调用所有汽车的Web服务来刷新Core Data持久化副本,但是为了防止重复,我需要首先清除本地缓存中的所有数据。

