
最近,我发现JSON Web Token (JWT)作为一种身份验证解决方案非常热门。我了解编码、解码和验证JWT的知识。然而,我不明白为什么有些网站/教程告诉我们,如果使用JWT,就不需要CSRF保护。我已经阅读了很多,并试图总结以下问题。我只是希望有人能提供一个关于JWT的更大的图景,并澄清我对JWT的误解。

If the JWT is stored in a cookie, I think it is the same as cookie-based authentication except that the server does not need to have sessions to verify the cookie/token. There is still a risk of CSRF if no special measure is implemented. Isn't JWT stored in a cookie? If the JWT is stored in localStorage/sessionStorage, then there is no cookie involved so don't need to protect against CSRF. The question is how to send the JWT to the server. I found here that it is suggested to use jQuery to send the JWT by HTTP header of ajax requests. So, only the ajax requests can do the authentication? Also, I found one more blog that points to use "Authorization header" and "Bearer" to send the JWT. I don't understand the method the blog talks about. Could someone please explain more about "Authorization header" and "Bearer"? Does this make the JWT transmitted by HTTP header of ALL requests? If yes, what about CSRF?

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我试图理解CSRF的整个问题和适当的方法来防止它。(我已经阅读、理解并同意的资源:OWASP CSRF预防小抄,关于CSRF的问题)

As I understand it, the vulnerability around CSRF is introduced by the assumption that (from the webserver's point of view) a valid session cookie in an incoming HTTP request reflects the wishes of an authenticated user. But all cookies for the origin domain are magically attached to the request by the browser, so really all the server can infer from the presence of a valid session cookie in a request is that the request comes from a browser which has an authenticated session; it cannot further assume anything about the code running in that browser, or whether it really reflects user wishes. The way to prevent this is to include additional authentication information (the "CSRF token") in the request, carried by some means other than the browser's automatic cookie handling. Loosely speaking, then, the session cookie authenticates the user/browser and the CSRF token authenticates the code running in the browser.



这看起来很常见(例如在AngularJS, Django, Rails中),将CSRF令牌作为一个cookie从服务器发送到客户端(即在Set-Cookie报头中),然后让客户端Javascript从cookie中抓取它,并将其作为一个单独的XSRF-TOKEN报头发送回服务器。

(另一种方法是Express推荐的方法,其中服务器生成的CSRF令牌通过服务器端模板展开包含在响应体中,直接附加到将其提供给服务器的代码/标记上,例如作为隐藏的表单输入。这个例子是一种更接近web 1.0的做事方式,但可以推广到一个更偏重于js的客户端。)

Why is it so common to use Set-Cookie as the downstream transport for the CSRF token / why is this a good idea? I imagine the authors of all these frameworks considered their options carefully and didn't get this wrong. But at first glance, using cookies to work around what's essentially a design limitation on cookies seems daft. In fact, if you used cookies as the roundtrip transport (Set-Cookie: header downstream for the server to tell the browser the CSRF token, and Cookie: header upstream for the browser to return it to the server) you would reintroduce the vulnerability you are trying to fix.

I realize that the frameworks above don't use cookies for the whole roundtrip for the CSRF token; they use Set-Cookie downstream, then something else (e.g. a X-CSRF-Token header) upstream, and this does close off the vulnerability. But even using Set-Cookie as the downstream transport is potentially misleading and dangerous; the browser will now attach the CSRF token to every request including genuine malicious XSRF requests; at best that makes the request bigger than it needs to be and at worst some well-meaning but misguided piece of server code might actually try to use it, which would be really bad. And further, since the actual intended recipient of the CSRF token is client-side Javascript, that means this cookie can't be protected with http-only. So sending the CSRF token downstream in a Set-Cookie header seems pretty suboptimal to me.

我偶尔会看到Free Monad这个词出现,但每个人似乎都在使用/讨论它们,却没有解释它们是什么。那么:什么是免费的单子?(我想说我熟悉单子和Haskell的基础知识,但只有一个非常粗略的范畴理论知识。)


val en: EnumeratorT[String, Task] = EnumeratorT.enumList(List("a", "b", "c"))
val it: IterateeT[String, Task, Int] = IterateeT.length

(it &= en).run : Task[Int]


val en: EnumeratorT[String, Task] = ...
val it: IterateeT[String, Id, Int] = ...

val liftedIt = IterateeT.IterateeTMonadTrans[String].hoist(
  implicitly[Task |>=| Id]).apply(it)
(liftedIt &= en).run: Task[Int]


val en: EnumeratorT[String, Id] = ...
val it: IterateeT[String, Task, Int] = ...

it &= ???


根据我目前阅读的教程,使用"docker run -d"将从image启动一个容器,并且容器将在后台运行。这就是它的样子,我们已经有了container id。

root@docker:/home/root# docker run -d centos

但如果我运行“docker ps”,什么都没有返回。

所以我尝试了“docker ps -a”,我可以看到容器已经退出:

root@docker:/home/root# docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                 COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS                         PORTS               NAMES
605e3928cddd        centos:latest         "/bin/bash"         31 minutes ago      Exited (0) 31 minutes ago                          kickass_swartz



我已经看了很多教程(我最喜欢写一个Scheme, Real World Haskell紧随其后)——但是大多数程序都相对较小,而且用途单一。此外,我不认为其中一些特别优雅(例如,WYAS中的大型查找表)。










他链接的幻灯片有一个“我们需要的东西”:“将设计映射到 类型/函数/类/单体”。有哪些习语?:)





