class my_class
    my_class(my_class const &) = delete;

在这种情况下= delete是什么意思?

是否有其他“修饰符”(除了= 0和= delete)?

删除函数是c++ 11的一个特性:

“禁止复制”这句俗语现在可以表达出来了 直接: 类X { / /…… X& operator=(const X&) = delete;//禁止复制 X(const X&) = delete; };

[…] “删除”机制可用于任何功能。例如,我们 可以像这样消除不希望的转换: 结构Z { / /…… Z(很久);//可以初始化一个long long Z(long) = delete;//但不能少 };

这是c++ 0x标准中的新功能,可以删除继承的函数。

= 0表示函数是纯虚函数,不能从该类实例化对象。您需要从中派生并实现此方法 = delete意味着编译器不会为你生成这些构造函数。AFAIK,这只允许在复制构造函数和赋值操作符上。但我不太擅长即将到来的标准。

新的c++ 0x标准。请参见N3242工作草案8.4.3

= delete是c++ 11中引入的一个特性。由于per =delete,它将不允许调用该函数。



Class ABC{
 Int d;
  ABC& operator= (const ABC& obj) =delete



本文节选自The c++ Programming Language[第4版]- Bjarne Stroustrup一书,讲述了使用=delete的真正目的:

3.3.4 Suppressing Operations Using the default copy or move for a class in a hierarchy is typically a disaster: given only a pointer to a base, we simply don’t know what members the derived class has, so we can’t know how to copy them. So, the best thing to do is usually to delete the default copy and move operations, that is, to eliminate the default definitions of those two operations: class Shape { public: Shape(const Shape&) =delete; // no copy operations Shape& operator=(const Shape&) =delete; Shape(Shape&&) =delete; // no move operations Shape& operator=(Shape&&) =delete; ˜Shape(); // ... }; Now an attempt to copy a Shape will be caught by the compiler. The =delete mechanism is general, that is, it can be used to suppress any operation

是否有其他“修饰符”(除了= 0和= delete)?



//  coding standard: disallow when not used
T(void)                  = delete; // default ctor    (1)
~T(void)                 = delete; // default dtor    (2)
T(const T&)              = delete; // copy ctor       (3)
T(const T&&)             = delete; // move ctor       (4)
T& operator= (const T&)  = delete; // copy assignment (5)
T& operator= (const T&&) = delete; // move assignment (6)



//  coding standard: disallow when not used
FizzBuzz(void)                         = delete; // default ctor (1)
// ~FizzBuzz(void);                              // dtor         (2)
FizzBuzz(const FizzBuzz&)              = delete; // copy ctor    (3)
FizzBuzz& operator= (const FizzBuzz&)  = delete; // copy assig   (4)
FizzBuzz(const FizzBuzz&&)             = delete; // move ctor    (5)
FizzBuzz& operator= (const FizzBuzz&&) = delete; // move assign  (6)


你也可以使用'= delete'来禁止不同大小的隐式提升…例子

// disallow implicit promotions 
template <class T> operator T(void)              = delete;
template <class T> Vuint64& operator=  (const T) = delete;
template <class T> Vuint64& operator|= (const T) = delete;
template <class T> Vuint64& operator&= (const T) = delete;



... 被删除的函数应该是函数的第一个声明(除了删除函数模板的显式专门化-删除应该在专门化的第一个声明处),这意味着您不能声明一个函数后再删除它,例如,在翻译单元的本地定义处。

引用(dcl.fct.def.delete) / 4:

删除的函数隐式内联。(注:一个定义 规则 ([basic.def.odr]) 适用于已删除的定义。- end note]删除的定义 函数的第一个声明应为函数或for 第一个是函数模板的显式特化 专门化的声明。(例子: 结构体sometype { sometype (); }; Sometype:: Sometype () = delete;/ /不规范的;非首次申报 - end示例)


Albeit a general rule of thumb is to avoid specializing function templates as specializations do not participate in the first step of overload resolution, there are arguable some contexts where it can be useful. E.g. when using a non-overloaded primary function template with no definition to match all types which one would not like implicitly converted to an otherwise matching-by-conversion overload; i.e., to implicitly remove a number of implicit-conversion matches by only implementing exact type matches in the explicit specialization of the non-defined, non-overloaded primary function template.

Before the deleted function concept of C++11, one could do this by simply omitting the definition of the primary function template, but this gave obscure undefined reference errors that arguably gave no semantic intent whatsoever from the author of primary function template (intentionally omitted?). If we instead explicitly delete the primary function template, the error messages in case no suitable explicit specialization is found becomes much nicer, and also shows that the omission/deletion of the primary function template's definition was intentional.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

template< typename T >
void use_only_explicit_specializations(T t);

void use_only_explicit_specializations<int>(int t) {
    std::cout << "int: " << t;

int main()
    const int num = 42;
    const std::string str = "foo";
    use_only_explicit_specializations(num);  // int: 42
    //use_only_explicit_specializations(str); // undefined reference to `void use_only_explicit_specializations< ...


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

template< typename T >
void use_only_explicit_specializations(T t) = delete;

void use_only_explicit_specializations<int>(int t) {
    std::cout << "int: " << t;

int main()
    const int num = 42;
    const std::string str = "foo";
    use_only_explicit_specializations(num);  // int: 42
    /* error: call to deleted function 'use_only_explicit_specializations' 
       note: candidate function [with T = std::__1::basic_string<char>] has 
       been explicitly deleted
       void use_only_explicit_specializations(T t) = delete; */



#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>

void warning_at_best(int8_t num) { 
    std::cout << "I better use -Werror and -pedantic... " << +num << "\n";

template< typename T >
void only_for_signed(T t) = delete;

void only_for_signed<int8_t>(int8_t t) {
    std::cout << "UB safe! 1 byte, " << +t << "\n";

void only_for_signed<int16_t>(int16_t t) {
    std::cout << "UB safe! 2 bytes, " << +t << "\n";

int main()
    const int8_t a = 42;
    const uint8_t b = 255U;
    const int16_t c = 255;
    const float d = 200.F;

    warning_at_best(a); // 42
    warning_at_best(b); // implementation-defined behaviour, no diagnostic required
    warning_at_best(c); // narrowing, -Wconstant-conversion warning
    warning_at_best(d); // undefined behaviour!


    /* error: call to deleted function 'only_for_signed' 
       note: candidate function [with T = unsigned char] 
             has been explicitly deleted
       void only_for_signed(T t) = delete; */

    /* error: call to deleted function 'only_for_signed' 
       note: candidate function [with T = float] 
             has been explicitly deleted
       void only_for_signed(T t) = delete; */


class MyClass
    // Delete copy constructor:
    // delete the copy constructor so you cannot copy-construct an object
    // of this class from a different object of this class
    MyClass(const MyClass&) = delete;

    // Delete assignment operator:
    // delete the `=` operator (`operator=()` class method) to disable copying
    // an object of this class
    MyClass& operator=(const MyClass&) = delete;

    // Delete constructor with certain types you'd like to
    // disallow:
    // (Arbitrary example) don't allow constructing from an `int` type. Expect
    // `uint64_t` instead.
    MyClass(int) = delete;

    // "Pure virtual" function:
    // `= 0` makes this is a "pure virtual" method which *must* be overridden 
    // by a child class
    uint32_t getVal() = 0;



另请参阅 - section“默认值控制:默认和删除”