2024-04-20 09:00:01





你可以使用下面的符号来获取基元类型的类: float.class等等。在做反射的时候非常有用。


final boolean[] result = new boolean[1];
SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
  public void run() { result[0] = true; }


它并不是完全隐藏的,但反射是非常有用和强大的。使用简单的class . forname("…"). newinstance()是很好的,其中类类型是可配置的。编写这种工厂实现很容易。

The power you can have over the garbage collector and how it manages object collection is very powerful, especially for long-running and time-sensitive applications. It starts with weak, soft, and phantom references in the java.lang.ref package. Take a look at those, especially for building caches (there is a java.util.WeakHashMap already). Now dig a little deeper into the ReferenceQueue and you'll start having even more control. Finally grab the docs on the garbage collector itself and you'll be able to control how often it runs, sizes of different collection areas, and the types of algorithms used (for Java 5 see http://java.sun.com/docs/hotspot/gc5.0/gc_tuning_5.html).


enum Foo1 implements Bar {}
enum Foo2 implements Bar {}

class HelperClass {
   static <T extends Enum<T> & Bar> void fooBar(T the enum) {}


enum PrimaryColor {Red, Green, Blue;}
enum PastelColor {Pink, HotPink, Rockmelon, SkyBlue, BabyBlue;}

enum TransportMedium {Land, Sea, Air;}
enum Vehicle {Car, Truck, BigBoat, LittleBoat, JetFighter, HotAirBaloon;}



import java.util.EnumSet;

import javax.swing.JComponent;

public class zz extends JComponent {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println(PrimaryColor.Green + " " + ParentUtil.pctOf(PrimaryColor.Green) + "%");
        System.out.println(TransportMedium.Air + " " + ParentUtil.pctOf(TransportMedium.Air) + "%");


class ParentUtil {
    private ParentUtil(){}
    static <P extends Enum<P> & Parent<P, C>, C extends Enum<C> & Child<P, C>> //
    float pctOf(P parent) {
        return (float) parent.getChildren().size() / //
                (float) EnumSet.allOf(parent.getChildClass()).size() //
                * 100f;
    public static <P extends Enum<P> & Parent<P, C>, C extends Enum<C> & Child<P, C>> //
    EnumSet<C> loadChildrenOf(P p) {
        EnumSet<C> cc = EnumSet.noneOf(p.getChildClass());
        for(C c: EnumSet.allOf(p.getChildClass())) {
            if(c.getParent() == p) {
        return cc;

interface Parent<P extends Enum<P> & Parent<P, C>, C extends Enum<C> & Child<P, C>> {
    Class<C> getChildClass();

    EnumSet<C> getChildren();

interface Child<P extends Enum<P> & Parent<P, C>, C extends Enum<C> & Child<P, C>> {
    Class<P> getParentClass();

    P getParent();

enum PrimaryColor implements Parent<PrimaryColor, PastelColor> {
    Red, Green, Blue;

    private EnumSet<PastelColor>    children;

    public Class<PastelColor> getChildClass() {
        return PastelColor.class;

    public EnumSet<PastelColor> getChildren() {
        if(children == null) children=ParentUtil.loadChildrenOf(this);
        return children;

enum PastelColor implements Child<PrimaryColor, PastelColor> {
    Pink(PrimaryColor.Red), HotPink(PrimaryColor.Red), //
    Rockmelon(PrimaryColor.Green), //
    SkyBlue(PrimaryColor.Blue), BabyBlue(PrimaryColor.Blue);

    final PrimaryColor  parent;

    private PastelColor(PrimaryColor parent) {
        this.parent = parent;

    public Class<PrimaryColor> getParentClass() {
        return PrimaryColor.class;

    public PrimaryColor getParent() {
        return parent;

enum TransportMedium implements Parent<TransportMedium, Vehicle> {
    Land, Sea, Air;

    private EnumSet<Vehicle>    children;

    public Class<Vehicle> getChildClass() {
        return Vehicle.class;

    public EnumSet<Vehicle> getChildren() {
        if(children == null) children=ParentUtil.loadChildrenOf(this);
        return children;

enum Vehicle implements Child<TransportMedium, Vehicle> {
    Car(TransportMedium.Land), Truck(TransportMedium.Land), //
    BigBoat(TransportMedium.Sea), LittleBoat(TransportMedium.Sea), //
    JetFighter(TransportMedium.Air), HotAirBaloon(TransportMedium.Air);

    private final TransportMedium   parent;

    private Vehicle(TransportMedium parent) {
        this.parent = parent;

    public Class<TransportMedium> getParentClass() {
        return TransportMedium.class;

    public TransportMedium getParent() {
        return parent;

我认为java的另一个“被忽视”的特性是JVM本身。它可能是可用的最好的VM。它支持许多有趣和有用的语言(Jython, JRuby, Scala, Groovy)。所有这些语言都可以轻松无缝地合作。




public class Baz<T extends Foo & Bar> {}


public static <A, B extends Collection<A> & Comparable<B>>
boolean foo(B b1, B b2, A a) {
   return (b1.compareTo(b2) == 0) || b1.contains(a) || b2.contains(a);
