



我将尝试在一个C程序中回答sin()的情况,该程序用GCC的C编译器在当前的x86处理器(假设是Intel Core 2 Duo)上编译。

在C语言中,标准C库包含了一些常见的数学函数,而这些函数并不包含在语言本身中(例如pow, sin和cos分别表示幂,sin和cos)。它们的头文件包含在math.h中。

现在在GNU/Linux系统上,这些库函数是由glibc (GNU libc或GNU C库)提供的。但是GCC编译器希望您使用-lm编译器标志链接到数学库(libm.so),以启用这些数学函数的使用。我不确定为什么它不是标准C库的一部分。这些将是浮点函数的软件版本,或“软浮动”。


Now the compiler may optimize the standard C library function sin() (provided by libm.so) to be replaced with an call to a native instruction to your CPU/FPU's built-in sin() function, which exists as an FPU instruction (FSIN for x86/x87) on newer processors like the Core 2 series (this is correct pretty much as far back as the i486DX). This would depend on optimization flags passed to the gcc compiler. If the compiler was told to write code that would execute on any i386 or newer processor, it would not make such an optimization. The -mcpu=486 flag would inform the compiler that it was safe to make such an optimization.

现在,如果程序执行sin()函数的软件版本,它将基于CORDIC(坐标旋转数字计算机)或BKM算法,或者更可能是现在通常用于计算此类超越函数的表格或幂级数计算。(Src: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cordic应用程序)




如果您想查看这些函数在C语言中的实际GNU实现,请查看glibc的最新主干。参见GNU C库。




#define EPSILON .0000000000001
// this is smallest effective threshold, at least on my OS (WSL ubuntu 18)
// possibly because factorial part turns 0 at some point
// and it happens faster then series element turns 0;
// validation was made against sin() from <math.h>
double ft_sin(double x)
    int k = 2;
    double r = x;
    double acc = 1;
    double den = 1;
    double num = x;

//  precision drops rapidly when x is not close to 0
//  so move x to 0 as close as possible
    while (x > PI)
        x -= PI;
    while (x < -PI)
        x += PI;
    if (x > PI / 2)
        return (ft_sin(PI - x));
    if (x < -PI / 2)
        return (ft_sin(-PI - x));
//  not using fabs for performance reasons
    while (acc > EPSILON || acc < -EPSILON)
        num *= -x * x;
        den *= k * (k + 1);
        acc = num / den;
        r += acc;
        k += 2;
    return (r);




在某些情况下,最大误差不是你感兴趣的,而是最大相对误差。例如,对于正弦函数,x = 0附近的误差应该比较大的值小得多;你想要一个小的相对误差。所以你可以计算sinx / x的切比雪夫多项式,然后把这个多项式乘以x。

Next you have to figure out how to evaluate the polynomial. You want to evaluate it in such a way that the intermediate values are small and therefore rounding errors are small. Otherwise the rounding errors might become a lot larger than errors in the polynomial. And with functions like the sine function, if you are careless then it may be possible that the result that you calculate for sin x is greater than the result for sin y even when x < y. So careful choice of the calculation order and calculation of upper bounds for the rounding error are needed.

例如,sinx = x - x^3/6 + x^5 / 120 - x^7 / 5040…如果你天真地计算sinx = x * (1 - x^2/6 + x^4/120 - x^6/5040…),那么括号中的函数是递减的,如果y是x的下一个大的数字,那么有时siny会小于sinx。相反,计算sinx = x - x^3 * (1/6 - x^2/ 120 + x^4/5040…),这是不可能发生的。


For example for sin (x), where you need coefficients for x, x^3, x^5, x^7 etc. you do the following: Calculate the best approximation of sin x with a polynomial (ax + bx^3 + cx^5 + dx^7) with higher than double precision, then round a to double precision, giving A. The difference between a and A would be quite large. Now calculate the best approximation of (sin x - Ax) with a polynomial (b x^3 + cx^5 + dx^7). You get different coefficients, because they adapt to the difference between a and A. Round b to double precision B. Then approximate (sin x - Ax - Bx^3) with a polynomial cx^5 + dx^7 and so on. You will get a polynomial that is almost as good as the original Chebyshev polynomial, but much better than Chebyshev rounded to double precision.

Next you should take into account the rounding errors in the choice of polynomial. You found a polynomial with minimum error in the polynomial ignoring rounding error, but you want to optimise polynomial plus rounding error. Once you have the Chebyshev polynomial, you can calculate bounds for the rounding error. Say f (x) is your function, P (x) is the polynomial, and E (x) is the rounding error. You don't want to optimise | f (x) - P (x) |, you want to optimise | f (x) - P (x) +/- E (x) |. You will get a slightly different polynomial that tries to keep the polynomial errors down where the rounding error is large, and relaxes the polynomial errors a bit where the rounding error is small.
