我想把Kinect 2的动作捕捉数据存储为BVH文件。我找到了Kinect 1的代码,可以在这里找到。我检查了代码,发现了一些我不能理解的东西。 例如,在提到的代码中,我试图理解在代码中的几个地方发现的Skeleton skkel对象究竟是什么。如果不是,是否有任何已知的应用程序可以完成预期的目标?

编辑:我试图改变骷髅的skel身体的skel,我认为是对应的对象kinect SDK 2.0。然而,当我试图获得身体的位置时,我有一个错误:

tempMotionVektor[0] = -Math.Round( skel.Position.X * 100,2);
tempMotionVektor[1] = Math.Round( skel.Position.Y * 100,2) + 120;
tempMotionVektor[2] = 300 - Math.Round( skel.Position.Z * 100,2);

我在调用Body skel的函数位置时出错。我怎么能检索X, Y, Z的骨架在sdk 2.0??我试着把上面的三行改为:

tempMotionVektor[0] = -Math.Round(skel.Joints[0].Position.X * 100, 2);
tempMotionVektor[1] = Math.Round(skel.Joints[0].Position.Y * 100, 2) + 120;
tempMotionVektor[2] = 300 - Math.Round(skel.Joints[0].Position.Z * 100, 2);

EDIT: Basically I managed to store the a bvh file after combining bodyBasicsWPF and kinect2bvh. However, it seems that the skeleton I am storing is not efficient. There are strange movements in the elbows. I am trying to understand if I have to change something in the file kinectSkeletonBVH.cp. More specifically, what are the changes in the joint axis orientation for the kinect 2 version. How can I change the following line: skel.BoneOrientations[JointType.ShoulderCenter].AbsoluteRotation.Quaternion; I tried to change that line with skel.JointOrientations[JointType.ShoulderCenter].Orientation. Am I right? I am using the following code to add the joint to BVHBone objects:

BVHBone hipCenter = new BVHBone(null, JointType.SpineBase.ToString(), 6, TransAxis.None, true);
BVHBone hipCenter2 = new BVHBone(hipCenter, "HipCenter2", 3, TransAxis.Y, false);
BVHBone spine = new BVHBone(hipCenter2, JointType.SpineMid.ToString(), 3, TransAxis.Y, true);
BVHBone shoulderCenter = new BVHBone(spine, JointType.SpineShoulder.ToString(), 3, TransAxis.Y, true);

BVHBone collarLeft = new BVHBone(shoulderCenter, "CollarLeft", 3, TransAxis.X, false);
BVHBone shoulderLeft = new BVHBone(collarLeft, JointType.ShoulderLeft.ToString(), 3, TransAxis.X, true);
BVHBone elbowLeft = new BVHBone(shoulderLeft, JointType.ElbowLeft.ToString(), 3, TransAxis.X, true);
BVHBone wristLeft = new BVHBone(elbowLeft, JointType.WristLeft.ToString(), 3, TransAxis.X, true);
BVHBone handLeft = new BVHBone(wristLeft, JointType.HandLeft.ToString(), 0, TransAxis.X, true);

BVHBone neck = new BVHBone(shoulderCenter, "Neck", 3, TransAxis.Y, false);
BVHBone head = new BVHBone(neck, JointType.Head.ToString(), 3, TransAxis.Y, true);
BVHBone headtop = new BVHBone(head, "Headtop", 0, TransAxis.None, false);


你在Kinect 1.0中使用的获取BVH文件的代码使用关节信息通过读取Skeleton来构建骨骼向量。

public static double[] getBoneVectorOutofJointPosition(BVHBone bvhBone, Skeleton skel)
    double[] boneVector = new double[3] { 0, 0, 0 };
    double[] boneVectorParent = new double[3] { 0, 0, 0 };
    string boneName = bvhBone.Name;

    JointType Joint;
    if (bvhBone.Root == true)
        boneVector = new double[3] { 0, 0, 0 };
        if (bvhBone.IsKinectJoint == true)
            Joint = KinectSkeletonBVH.String2JointType(boneName);

            boneVector[0] = skel.Joints[Joint].Position.X;
            boneVector[1] = skel.Joints[Joint].Position.Y;
            boneVector[2] = skel.Joints[Joint].Position.Z;

资料来源:人民币- Kinect2BVH。V2

除了在Kinect 2.0中,Skeleton类已经被Body类所取代,所以你需要将其改为处理Body,并按照下面引用的步骤获取关节。

// Kinect namespace using Microsoft.Kinect; // ... // Kinect sensor and Kinect stream reader objects KinectSensor _sensor; MultiSourceFrameReader _reader; IList<Body> _bodies; // Kinect sensor initialization _sensor = KinectSensor.GetDefault(); if (_sensor != null) { _sensor.Open(); } We also added a list of bodies, where all of the body/skeleton related data will be saved. If you have developed for Kinect version 1, you notice that the Skeleton class has been replaced by the Body class. Remember the MultiSourceFrameReader? This class gives us access on every stream, including the body stream! We simply need to let the sensor know that we need body tracking functionality by adding an additional parameter when initializing the reader: _reader = _sensor.OpenMultiSourceFrameReader(FrameSourceTypes.Color | FrameSourceTypes.Depth | FrameSourceTypes.Infrared | FrameSourceTypes.Body); _reader.MultiSourceFrameArrived += Reader_MultiSourceFrameArrived; The Reader_MultiSourceFrameArrived method will be called whenever a new frame is available. Let’s specify what will happen in terms of the body data: Get a reference to the body frame Check whether the body frame is null – this is crucial Initialize the _bodies list Call the GetAndRefreshBodyData method, so as to copy the body data into the list Loop through the list of bodies and do awesome stuff! Always remember to check for null values. Kinect provides you with approximately 30 frames per second – anything could be null or missing! Here is the code so far: void Reader_MultiSourceFrameArrived(object sender, MultiSourceFrameArrivedEventArgs e) { var reference = e.FrameReference.AcquireFrame(); // Color // ... // Depth // ... // Infrared // ... // Body using (var frame = reference.BodyFrameReference.AcquireFrame()) { if (frame != null) { _bodies = new Body[frame.BodyFrameSource.BodyCount]; frame.GetAndRefreshBodyData(_bodies); foreach (var body in _bodies) { if (body != null) { // Do something with the body... } } } } } This is it! We now have access to the bodies Kinect identifies. Next step is to display the skeleton information on-screen. Each body consists of 25 joints. The sensor provides us with the position (X, Y, Z) and the rotation information for each one of them. Moreover, Kinect lets us know whether the joints are tracked, hypothsized or not tracked. It’s a good practice to check whether a body is tracked before performing any critical functions. The following code illustrates how we can access the different body joints: if (body != null) { if (body.IsTracked) { Joint head = body.Joints[JointType.Head]; float x = head.Position.X; float y = head.Position.Y; float z = head.Position.Z; // Draw the joints... } }

来源:Vangos Pterneas博客- KINECT为WINDOWS版本2:身体跟踪