我想把Kinect 2的动作捕捉数据存储为BVH文件。我找到了Kinect 1的代码,可以在这里找到。我检查了代码,发现了一些我不能理解的东西。 例如,在提到的代码中,我试图理解在代码中的几个地方发现的Skeleton skkel对象究竟是什么。如果不是,是否有任何已知的应用程序可以完成预期的目标?

编辑:我试图改变骷髅的skel身体的skel,我认为是对应的对象kinect SDK 2.0。然而,当我试图获得身体的位置时,我有一个错误:

tempMotionVektor[0] = -Math.Round( skel.Position.X * 100,2);
tempMotionVektor[1] = Math.Round( skel.Position.Y * 100,2) + 120;
tempMotionVektor[2] = 300 - Math.Round( skel.Position.Z * 100,2);

我在调用Body skel的函数位置时出错。我怎么能检索X, Y, Z的骨架在sdk 2.0??我试着把上面的三行改为:

tempMotionVektor[0] = -Math.Round(skel.Joints[0].Position.X * 100, 2);
tempMotionVektor[1] = Math.Round(skel.Joints[0].Position.Y * 100, 2) + 120;
tempMotionVektor[2] = 300 - Math.Round(skel.Joints[0].Position.Z * 100, 2);

EDIT: Basically I managed to store the a bvh file after combining bodyBasicsWPF and kinect2bvh. However, it seems that the skeleton I am storing is not efficient. There are strange movements in the elbows. I am trying to understand if I have to change something in the file kinectSkeletonBVH.cp. More specifically, what are the changes in the joint axis orientation for the kinect 2 version. How can I change the following line: skel.BoneOrientations[JointType.ShoulderCenter].AbsoluteRotation.Quaternion; I tried to change that line with skel.JointOrientations[JointType.ShoulderCenter].Orientation. Am I right? I am using the following code to add the joint to BVHBone objects:

BVHBone hipCenter = new BVHBone(null, JointType.SpineBase.ToString(), 6, TransAxis.None, true);
BVHBone hipCenter2 = new BVHBone(hipCenter, "HipCenter2", 3, TransAxis.Y, false);
BVHBone spine = new BVHBone(hipCenter2, JointType.SpineMid.ToString(), 3, TransAxis.Y, true);
BVHBone shoulderCenter = new BVHBone(spine, JointType.SpineShoulder.ToString(), 3, TransAxis.Y, true);

BVHBone collarLeft = new BVHBone(shoulderCenter, "CollarLeft", 3, TransAxis.X, false);
BVHBone shoulderLeft = new BVHBone(collarLeft, JointType.ShoulderLeft.ToString(), 3, TransAxis.X, true);
BVHBone elbowLeft = new BVHBone(shoulderLeft, JointType.ElbowLeft.ToString(), 3, TransAxis.X, true);
BVHBone wristLeft = new BVHBone(elbowLeft, JointType.WristLeft.ToString(), 3, TransAxis.X, true);
BVHBone handLeft = new BVHBone(wristLeft, JointType.HandLeft.ToString(), 0, TransAxis.X, true);

BVHBone neck = new BVHBone(shoulderCenter, "Neck", 3, TransAxis.Y, false);
BVHBone head = new BVHBone(neck, JointType.Head.ToString(), 3, TransAxis.Y, true);
BVHBone headtop = new BVHBone(head, "Headtop", 0, TransAxis.None, false);

