


我怎样才能知道我用C语言编写的应用程序打开的文件的大小? 我想知道大小,因为我想把加载文件的内容放入一个字符串,我使用malloc()分配。正在写入malloc(10000*sizeof(char));恕我直言,这是个坏主意。


plot.scatter(k, sum_cf, color='black', label='Sum of Cause Fractions')
plot.scatter(k, data[:, 0],  color='b', label='Dis 1: cf = .6, var = .2')
plot.scatter(k, data[:, 1],  color='r',  label='Dis 2: cf = .2, var = .1')
plot.scatter(k, data[:, 2],  color='g', label='Dis 3: cf = .1, var = .01')

In C programming, you can pass any kind of pointer you like as an argument to free, how does it know the size of the allocated memory to free? Whenever I pass a pointer to some function, I have to also pass the size (ie an array of 10 elements needs to receive 10 as a parameter to know the size of the array), but I do not have to pass the size to the free function. Why not, and can I use this same technique in my own functions to save me from needing to cart around the extra variable of the array's length?


def getSize(fileobject):
    fileobject.seek(0,2) # move the cursor to the end of the file
    size = fileobject.tell()
    return size

file = open('myfile.bin', 'rb')
print getSize(file)
