
#selector {
        property: value;



#selector {
    property: value;



在ASP中创建可重用的组件。NET MVC,我们有3个选项(可能是其他我没有提到的):


@Html.Partial(Model.Foo, "SomePartial")


@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Foo)


@Html.DisplayFor(model => model.Foo)


@model WebApplications.Models.FooObject

<!-- Bunch of HTML -->




They respect model hierarchies when rendering HTML helpers (e.g if you have a "Bar" object on your "Foo" model, the HTML elements for "Bar" will be rendered with "Foo.Bar.ElementName", whilst a partial will have "ElementName"). More robust, e.g if you had a List<T> of something in your ViewModel, you could use @Html.DisplayFor(model => model.CollectionOfFoo), and MVC is smart enough to see it's a collection and render out the single display for each item (as opposed to a Partial, which would require an explicit for loop).





在函数周围使用#ifdef ?

#ifdef _MSC_VER
void ProcessOps::sendToExternalApp(QString sAppName, QString sImagePath, qreal qrLeft, qreal qrTop, qreal qrWidth, qreal qrHeight)
void ProcessOps::sendToExternalApp(QString sAppName, QString sImagePath, qreal /*qrLeft*/, qreal /*qrTop*/, qreal /*qrWidth*/, qreal /*qrHeight*/)


还是把函数末尾的变量赋值为0 ?(我讨厌这样做,因为它改变了程序流中的某些东西,从而使编译器警告静音)。



你最喜欢用什么方法来标记你的代码,你必须做什么和不做什么? 请提供您的最佳建议,每个答案一个,以方便投票。


 * @file   example_action.h
 * @Author Me (me@example.com)
 * @date   September, 2008
 * @brief  Brief description of file.
 * Detailed description of file.

 * @name    Example API Actions
 * @brief   Example actions available.
 * @ingroup example
 * This API provides certain actions as an example.
 * @param [in] repeat  Number of times to do nothing.
 * @retval TRUE   Successfully did nothing.
 * @retval FALSE  Oops, did something.
 * Example Usage:
 * @code
 *    example_nada(3); // Do nothing 3 times.
 * @endcode
boolean example(int repeat);

我们想在angular-cli 1.0.0-beta.5生成的应用程序中使用bootstrap 4 (4.0.0-alpha.2)(w/ node v6.1.0)。




<script src="vendor/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="vendor/tether/dist/js/tether.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="vendor/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<script src="vendor/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

这在ng serve中工作得很好,但当我们生成一个带有-prod标志的构建时,dist/vendor中的所有依赖项都消失了(惊讶!)



use a CDN ? but we would rather serve these files to guarantee that they will be available copy dependencies to dist/vendor after our ng build -prod ? But that seems like something angular-cli should provide since it 'takes care' of the build part ? adding jquery, bootstrap and tether in src/system-config.ts and somehow pull them into our bundle in main.ts ? But that seemed wrong considering that we are not going to explicitly use them in our application's code (unlike moment.js or something like lodash, for example).

我有一个支持iOS8及以后版本的应用程序,内置在Xcode 7中,我使用XIB作为启动屏幕(我没有启动图像)。视图包含一个带有应用版本的UILabel,以及两个带有图像的UIImageViews,这两个图像都出现在images中。xcassets:标志和启动图像。

当我启动应用程序时,UILabel和logo图像显示正确,但如果我在带有iOS9的iPad Air 2上运行应用程序,启动图像就不能显示。我在运行iOS8的Air和Mini上进行了测试,在iPad 2、iPad Air和iPad Air 2的iOS9模拟器上进行了测试,图像在所有这些模拟器上都显示正确。



The UIImageView for the splash image is in the correct place, at the correct size. I can tell this because I set its background color to green just to make sure. The view is there, but the image does not appear. So I'm assuming that the view is not to blame. Setting the UIImageView for the splash image to also use the logo image makes the logo image appear in the correct place for the view. This also leads me to assume that the view is not to blame. The UIImage that I am using in the splash image view is used elsewhere in the app and appears fine in those other views (the logo image is also used elsewhere in the app and appears fine). So I'm assuming that the image is valid and having it appear in other views is not a problem. I've confirmed that the settings of the UIImages for the logo and splash in the xcassets file are the same. They are set to Universal, Any width and height, multiple scale factors, rendered as default. There is one difference - the logo has 1x, 2x and 3x scales while the splash image only has 1x and 2x, but I have also tried using UIImages with only 1x, and 1x and 2x values in the UIView and they work (if they were added to the project some time ago). Adding another image of a different size or format (PNG and JPG) to my xcassets and using that UIImage in the UIImageView for the splash image also fails to display. Adding another UIImageView to the XIB file and allocating it a UIImage that was already in the xcassets works, the image appears in the loading screen. Copying and renaming the image files used for the logo and adding them to the project then using that UIImage in the splash view also fails to display. I have tried cleaning the project, restarting the development machine, and deleting the app from the Air 2 and reinstalling it just in case that was a problem.

这最后三个步骤使我相信,在项目文件生命周期的某一点之后添加的图像存在一些问题。当我昨天更新到Xcode 7时,splash图像最初是在Xcode 6中添加的,但logo图像(也添加到Xcode 6中)是在几个月前添加的。


所以我想知道是否有人知道为什么我在Air 2上添加的这些新图像在启动屏幕上不显示?我一直在阅读的其他有关未出现图像的问题似乎都与Launch images有关,或与XIB文件中具有关联类的图像有关,这两个问题在这里似乎都不相关。



inputChangeHandler : function (event) {
    this.setState( { event.target.id  : event.target.value } );







什么是弱头标准型(WHNF) ?Head Normal form (HNF)和Normal form (NF)是什么意思?

Real World Haskell声明:

我们熟悉的seq函数将表达式求值为 呼叫头标准型(简称HNF)。它一旦到达就会停止 最外层的构造函数(“head”)。这与正常情况不同 形式(NF),其中表达式被完全求值。 您还会听到Haskell程序员提到弱头正常 表单(WHNF)。对于正规数据,弱头正规形式与 头部正常形式。这种差异只出现在函数中,也是如此 这里涉及到我们的深奥。



WHNF = thunk : thunk

HNF = 0 : thunk 

NF = 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : []




另一个混淆点来自Haskell Wiki,它声明seq简化为WHNF,并且不会对下面的示例执行任何操作。然后他们说他们必须使用seq来强制求值。这不是强迫它去HNF吗?

Common newbie stack overflowing code: myAverage = uncurry (/) . foldl' (\(acc, len) x -> (acc+x, len+1)) (0,0) People who understand seq and weak head normal form (whnf) can immediately understand what goes wrong here. (acc+x, len+1) is already in whnf, so the seq (in the definition of foldl'), which reduces a value to whnf, does nothing to this. This code will build up thunks just like the original foldl example, they'll just be inside a tuple. The solution is just to force the components of the tuple, e.g. myAverage = uncurry (/) . foldl' (\(acc, len) x -> acc `seq` len `seq` (acc+x, len+1)) (0,0)

-Haskell Wiki在Stackoverflow上
