
比如O(n²)的运算会怎样? 如果一个操作是O(nlog (n))这是什么意思? 有人必须吸可卡因才能写出O(x!)吗?








O(N log N)意味着对于每个元素,你只需要看log N个元素。这通常是因为你知道一些元素,可以让你做出有效的选择。最有效的排序就是一个例子,比如归并排序。



同样,在LogY/LogX尺度上,函数n1/2, n, n2都看起来像直线,而在LogY/X尺度上,2n, en, 10n是直线和n!是线性的(看起来像n log n)

log(n) means logarithmic growth. An example would be divide and conquer algorithms. If you have 1000 sorted numbers in an array ( ex. 3, 10, 34, 244, 1203 ... ) and want to search for a number in the list (find its position), you could start with checking the value of the number at index 500. If it is lower than what you seek, jump to 750. If it is higher than what you seek, jump to 250. Then you repeat the process until you find your value (and key). Every time we jump half the search space, we can cull away testing many other values since we know the number 3004 can't be above number 5000 (remember, it is a sorted list).

N log(N)表示N * log(N)

要理解O(n log n),请记住log n意味着log-base-2 (n)。然后看看每一部分:


O(log n)是指操作的次数与取2的指数相同,以得到项目的数量。例如,二分搜索必须将集合切成log n的一半。

O(nlogn)是一个组合——你在对集合中的每一项进行二分搜索。高效的排序通常是对每个项目进行一次循环,并在每个循环中进行良好的搜索,以找到放置相关项目或组的正确位置。因此是n * log n。

big - o符号对代码的重要意义在于,当它所操作的“事物”数量增加一倍时,它将如何扩展。这里有一个具体的例子:

Big-O       |  computations for 10 things |  computations for 100 things
O(1)        |   1                         |     1
O(log(n))   |   3                         |     7
O(n)        |  10                         |   100
O(n log(n)) |  30                         |   700
O(n^2)      | 100                         | 10000

快速排序是O(nlog (n))而冒泡排序是O(n²)当排序10个东西时,快速排序比冒泡排序快3倍。但当对100个东西进行排序时,速度要快14倍!显然,选择最快的算法很重要。当您访问具有数百万行的数据库时,这可能意味着您的查询在0.2秒内执行,而不是花费数小时。


澄清: 实际上,Big-O并没有说不同算法在同一特定大小点上的性能比较,而是说同一算法在不同大小点上的性能比较:

                 computations     computations       computations
Big-O       |   for 10 things |  for 100 things |  for 1000 things
O(1)        |        1        |        1        |         1
O(log(n))   |        1        |        3        |         7
O(n)        |        1        |       10        |       100
O(n log(n)) |        1        |       33        |       664
O(n^2)      |        1        |      100        |     10000


如果某个东西是O(f(n)),那么它在n个元素上的运行时间将等于A f(n) + B(以时钟周期或CPU操作为单位)。理解这些常量A和B是非常关键的,它们来自特定的实现。B本质上代表你的操作的“常量开销”,例如你所做的一些预处理不依赖于集合的大小。A表示实际项目处理算法的速度。


So the real deal is f(n). If f grows not at all with n, e.g. f(n) = 1, then you'll scale fantastically---your running time will always just be A + B. If f grows linearly with n, i.e. f(n) = n, your running time will scale pretty much as best as can be expected---if your users are waiting 10 ns for 10 elements, they'll wait 10000 ns for 10000 elements (ignoring the additive constant). But if it grows faster, like n2, then you're in trouble; things will start slowing down way too much when you get larger collections. f(n) = n log(n) is a good compromise, usually: your operation can't be so simple as to give linear scaling, but you've managed to cut things down such that it'll scale much better than f(n) = n2.


O(1): retrieving an element from an array. We know exactly where it is in memory, so we just go get it. It doesn't matter if the collection has 10 items or 10000; it's still at index (say) 3, so we just jump to location 3 in memory. O(n): retrieving an element from a linked list. Here, A = 0.5, because on average you''ll have to go through 1/2 of the linked list before you find the element you're looking for. O(n2): various "dumb" sorting algorithms. Because generally their strategy involves, for each element (n), you look at all the other elements (so times another n, giving n2), then position yourself in the right place. O(n log(n)): various "smart" sorting algorithms. It turns out that you only need to look at, say, 10 elements in a 1010-element collection to intelligently sort yourself relative to everyone else in the collection. Because everyone else is also going to look at 10 elements, and the emergent behavior is orchestrated just right so that this is enough to produce a sorted list. O(n!): an algorithm that "tries everything," since there are (proportional to) n! possible combinations of n elements that might solve a given problem. So it just loops through all such combinations, tries them, then stops whenever it succeeds.

我喜欢don neufeld的答案,但我想我可以加上O(nlog n)

使用简单分治策略的算法可能是O(log n)最简单的例子是在排序列表中查找某个东西。你不需要从头开始扫描。你走到中间,你决定是向后走还是向前走,跳到中途,直到你找到你要找的东西。

如果您查看快速排序或归并排序算法,您将看到它们都采用将列表分成两半,对每一半排序(使用相同的算法,递归地),然后重新组合两半的方法。这种递归分治策略是O(nlog n)

If you think about it carefully, you'll see that quicksort does an O(n) partitioning algorithm on the whole n items, then an O(n) partitioning twice on n/2 items, then 4 times on n/4 items, etc... until you get to an n partitions on 1 item (which is degenerate). The number of times you divide n in half to get to 1 is approximately log n, and each step is O(n), so recursive divide and conquer is O(n log n). Mergesort builds the other way, starting with n recombinations of 1 item, and finishing with 1 recombination of n items, where the recombination of two sorted lists is O(n).


大多数Jon Bentley的书(例如Programming Pearls)都以一种非常实用的方式涵盖了这些内容。他的这次演讲中就包括了一个这样的快排分析。



非正式地,我们写f(n) = O(g(n))如果,直到一个比例因子,对于所有n大于某个n0, g(n)大于f(n)。也就是说,f(n)的增长速度并不比g(n)快,或者从上到下以g(n)为界。这并没有告诉我们f(n)增长有多快,除了它保证不会比g(n)差。

一个具体的例子:n = O(2^n)我们都知道n的增长速度比2^n慢得多,所以我们可以说它的上界是指数函数。在n和2^n之间有很大的空间,所以它不是一个很紧的边界,但它仍然是一个合理的边界。

为什么我们(计算机科学家)使用边界而不是精确?因为a)边界通常更容易证明,b)它为我们提供了一种表达算法属性的简便方法。如果我说我的新算法是O(n.log n),这意味着在最坏的情况下,它的运行时间将在n个输入上以n.log n为界,对于足够大的n(尽管请参阅下面我的评论,当我可能不是指最坏情况时)。

如果相反,我们想说一个函数的增长速度与其他函数一样快,我们用theta来说明这一点(我将T(f(n))写成markdown表示\ (f(n))。T(g(n))是上下以g(n)为界的缩写,直到一个比例因子且渐近。

这是f (n) = T (g (n)) < = > f (n) = O (g (n))和g (n) = O (f (n))。在我们的例子中,我们可以看到n != T(2^n)因为2^n != O(n)。

为什么要担心这个呢?因为在你的问题中,你写了“一个人必须吸可卡因才能写出一个O(x!)?”答案是否定的——因为基本上你写的所有东西都会以阶乘函数为界。快速排序的运行时间是O(n!) -这不是一个严格的界限。


香草快速排序就是一个很好的例子。在最坏的情况下是T(n²)(实际上至少需要n²步,但不会多很多),但在平均情况下是T(n.log n),也就是说期望的步数与n.log n成正比。在最好的情况下也是T(n.log n) -但你可以改进它,例如,检查数组是否已经排序在哪种情况下,最佳运行时间将是T(n)。

How does this relate to your question about the practical realisations of these bounds? Well, unfortunately, O( ) notation hides constants which real-world implementations have to deal with. So although we can say that, for example, for a T(n^2) operation we have to visit every possible pair of elements, we don't know how many times we have to visit them (except that it's not a function of n). So we could have to visit every pair 10 times, or 10^10 times, and the T(n^2) statement makes no distinction. Lower order functions are also hidden - we could have to visit every pair of elements once, and every individual element 100 times, because n^2 + 100n = T(n^2). The idea behind O( ) notation is that for large enough n, this doesn't matter at all because n^2 gets so much larger than 100n that we don't even notice the impact of 100n on the running time. However, we often deal with 'sufficiently small' n such that constant factors and so on make a real, significant difference.

例如,快速排序(平均成本T(n.log n))和堆排序(平均成本T(n.log n))都是具有相同平均成本的排序算法——但快速排序通常比堆排序快得多。这是因为堆排序比快速排序对每个元素做了更多的比较。




Domenic - I'm on this site, and I care. Not for pedantry's sake, but because we - as programmers - typically care about precision. Using O( ) notation incorrectly in the style that some have done here renders it kind of meaningless; we may just as well say something takes n^2 units of time as O( n^2 ) under the conventions used here. Using the O( ) adds nothing. It's not just a small discrepancy between common usage and mathematical precision that I'm talking about, it's the difference between it being meaningful and it not.





O(1) "constant time" - the time required is independent of the size of the input. As a rough category, I would include algorithms such as hash lookups and Union-Find here, even though neither of those are actually O(1). O(log(n)) "logarithmic" - it gets slower as you get larger inputs, but once your input gets fairly large, it won't change enough to worry about. If your runtime is ok with reasonably-sized data, you can swamp it with as much additional data as you want and it'll still be ok. O(n) "linear" - the more input, the longer it takes, in an even tradeoff. Three times the input size will take roughly three times as long. O(n log(n)) "better than quadratic" - increasing the input size hurts, but it's still manageable. The algorithm is probably decent, it's just that the underlying problem is more difficult (decisions are less localized with respect to the input data) than those problems that can be solved in linear time. If your input sizes are getting up there, don't assume that you could necessarily handle twice the size without changing your architecture around (eg by moving things to overnight batch computations, or not doing things per-frame). It's ok if the input size increases a little bit, though; just watch out for multiples. O(n^2) "quadratic" - it's really only going to work up to a certain size of your input, so pay attention to how big it could get. Also, your algorithm may suck -- think hard to see if there's an O(n log(n)) algorithm that would give you what you need. Once you're here, feel very grateful for the amazing hardware we've been gifted with. Not long ago, what you are trying to do would have been impossible for all practical purposes. O(n^3) "cubic" - not qualitatively all that different from O(n^2). The same comments apply, only more so. There's a decent chance that a more clever algorithm could shave this time down to something smaller, eg O(n^2 log(n)) or O(n^2.8...), but then again, there's a good chance that it won't be worth the trouble. (You're already limited in your practical input size, so the constant factors that may be required for the more clever algorithms will probably swamp their advantages for practical cases. Also, thinking is slow; letting the computer chew on it may save you time overall.) O(2^n) "exponential" - the problem is either fundamentally computationally hard or you're being an idiot. These problems have a recognizable flavor to them. Your input sizes are capped at a fairly specific hard limit. You'll know quickly whether you fit into that limit.



O(1) - you're only looking at most at a fixed-size chunk of your input data, and possibly none of it. Example: the maximum of a sorted list. Or your input size is bounded. Example: addition of two numbers. (Note that addition of N numbers is linear time.) O(log n) - each element of your input tells you enough to ignore a large fraction of the rest of the input. Example: when you look at an array element in binary search, its value tells you that you can ignore "half" of your array without looking at any of it. Or similarly, the element you look at gives you enough of a summary of a fraction of the remaining input that you won't need to look at it. There's nothing special about halves, though -- if you can only ignore 10% of your input at each step, it's still logarithmic. O(n) - you do some fixed amount of work per input element. (But see below.) O(n log(n)) - there are a few variants. You can divide the input into two piles (in no more than linear time), solve the problem independently on each pile, and then combine the two piles to form the final solution. The independence of the two piles is key. Example: classic recursive mergesort. Each linear-time pass over the data gets you halfway to your solution. Example: quicksort if you think in terms of the maximum distance of each element to its final sorted position at each partitioning step (and yes, I know that it's actually O(n^2) because of degenerate pivot choices. But practically speaking, it falls into my O(n log(n)) category.) O(n^2) - you have to look at every pair of input elements. Or you don't, but you think you do, and you're using the wrong algorithm. O(n^3) - um... I don't have a snappy characterization of these. It's probably one of: You're multiplying matrices You're looking at every pair of inputs but the operation you do requires looking at all of the inputs again the entire graph structure of your input is relevant O(2^n) - you need to consider every possible subset of your inputs.



O(1) ->增加N并没有什么不同

O(log(N)) ->每次V翻倍N,你必须花费额外的时间T来完成任务。V又翻倍了N,你花了同样多的钱。

O(N) -> V N每翻一倍,花费的时间就翻一倍。

O(N²)- V N每翻一倍,花费的时间就增加4倍。(这不公平!!)

O(nlog (N)) -, V每翻一倍N,你就花两倍的时间,再多一点。


有些界限可能有奇怪的表达式,如果它对涉及的人有影响的话。我在Knuth的《计算机编程艺术》中见过类似于O(nlog (N) log(log(N))的算法。(我一时想不起是哪一个了)








O(n²)表示在每一步,你堆叠c2 x n个块,其中c2是一个常数,n是堆叠块的数量。

O(nlogn)表示在每一步,你堆叠c3 x n x logn个块,其中c3是一个常数,n是堆叠块的数量。


O(nlogn)通常是排序 O(n²)通常是比较所有元素对






例如,对于每x > 100,你看到f(x) > g(x),那么f(x)比g(x)“快”。

在这种情况下,我们可以说g(x) = O(f(x))F (x)对g(x)提出了某种“速度限制”,因为最终它超过了它,并将其永远甩在后面。

这并不完全是大o符号的定义,它还指出,对于某个常数C, f(x)只需要大于C*g(x)(这只是另一种说法,你不能通过将g(x)乘以常数因子来帮助g(x)赢得竞争- f(x)最终总是会赢)。正式的定义也使用绝对值。但我希望我能让它更直观。









Now, imagine I gave you those same two 100-digit numbers and told you to multiply them together. This would be a much, much harder task, something that would take you hours to do - and that you'd be unlikely to do without mistakes. The reason for this is that (this version of) multiplication is O(n^2); each digit in the bottom number has to be multiplied by each digit in the top number, leaving a total of about n^2 operations. In the case of the 100-digit numbers, that's 10,000 multiplications.



这就像O(logN)(乌龟)vs O(N)(野兔)。




For List<int> numbers = new List<int> {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,12,543,7};


return numbers.First();


int result = 0;
foreach (int num in numbers)
  result += num;
return result;

O(nlog (n))是这样的

int result = 0;
foreach (int num in numbers)
    int index = numbers.Count - 1;
    while (index > 1)
        // yeah, stupid, but couldn't come up with something more useful :-(
        result += numbers[index];
        index /= 2;
return result;


int result = 0;
foreach (int outerNum in numbers)
    foreach (int innerNum in numbers)
        result += outerNum * innerNum;
return result;

O(n!)看起来,嗯,太累了,想不出任何简单的东西。 但我希望你能明白大意?


对于const数= [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,12,543,7];




let result = 0;
for (num of numbers){
    result += num;

O(nlog (n))是这样的

let result = 0;
for (num of numbers){

    let index = numbers.length - 1;
    while (index > 1){
        // yeah, stupid, but couldn't come up with something more useful :-(
        result += numbers[index];
        index = Math.floor(index/2)


let result = 0;
for (outerNum of numbers){
    for (innerNum of numbers){
        result += outerNum * innerNum;


假设一个冰淇淋小贩准备了许多不同形状的冰淇淋(比如N个),按顺序排列。 你想吃中间的冰淇淋

情况1:只有吃完所有比它小的冰淇淋,你才能吃冰淇淋 你将不得不吃掉一半准备好的冰淇淋(输入)。答案直接取决于输入的大小 解是o(N)阶的



情况3:只有当你吃完所有比它小的冰淇淋时,你才能吃冰淇淋,每次你吃冰淇淋时,你都允许另一个孩子(每次都是新孩子)吃掉他所有的冰淇淋 总时间为N + N + N.......(N/2)次 溶液是O(N2)





如果一个操作是O(nlog (n))这是什么意思?


注意:这将产生n * log n的10次方。



注意:这个例子表示一个决策树中有多少个叶结点,其中子结点数=深度,通过1 * 2 * 3 *完成。* x