












In the general case, a modern C compiler knows much more about how to optimize the code in question: it knows how the processor pipeline works, it can try to reorder instructions quicker than a human can, and so on - it's basically the same as a computer being as good as or better than the best human player for boardgames, etc. simply because it can make searches within the problem space faster than most humans. Although you theoretically can perform as well as the computer in a specific case, you certainly can't do it at the same speed, making it infeasible for more than a few cases (i.e. the compiler will most certainly outperform you if you try to write more than a few routines in assembler).




您可以偏离调用约定,在寄存器中传递参数。 您可以仔细考虑如何使用寄存器,避免将变量存储在内存中。 对于跳转表之类的东西,可以避免检查索引的边界。








C程序设计语言——A 语言结合了 汇编语言的灵活性 汇编语言的强大。



当gcc出现时,它如此受欢迎的原因之一是它通常比许多商业UNIX版本附带的C编译器要好得多。它不仅是ANSI C(没有任何K&R C的垃圾),更健壮,通常能产生更好(更快)的代码。不是总是,而是经常。


同样地,汇编程序也会根据你正在运行的处理器、你的系统规格、你正在使用的指令集等而有很大的不同。历史上有两个CPU体系结构家族:CISC和RISC。CISC中最大的玩家过去是,现在仍然是Intel x86架构(和指令集)。RISC主宰了UNIX世界(MIPS6000、Alpha、Sparc等等)。CISC赢得了民心之战。




Ultimately though assembler was a product of its time and was more popular at a time when CPU cycles were expensive. Nowadays a CPU that costs $5-10 to manufacture (Intel Atom) can do pretty much anything anyone could want. The only real reason to write assembler these days is for low level things like some parts of an operating system (even so the vast majority of the Linux kernel is written in C), device drivers, possibly embedded devices (although C tends to dominate there too) and so on. Or just for kicks (which is somewhat masochistic).

第一点不是答案。 即使你从来没有用它编程,我发现至少知道一个汇编指令集是有用的。这是程序员永无止境的追求的一部分,他们想知道得更多,从而变得更好。当你进入一个没有源代码的框架时,它也很有用,至少对正在发生的事情有一个粗略的了解。它还可以帮助您理解JavaByteCode和. net IL,因为它们都类似于汇编程序。

To answer the question when you have a small amount of code or a large amount of time. Most useful for use in embedded chips, where low chip complexity and poor competition in compilers targeting these chips can tip the balance in favour of humans. Also for restricted devices you are often trading off code size/memory size/performance in a way that would be hard to instruct a compiler to do. e.g. I know this user action is not called often so I will have small code size and poor performance, but this other function that look similar is used every second so I will have a larger code size and faster performance. That is the sort of trade off a skilled assembly programmer can use.



删除现有功能 减少部分或全部现有特性的大小,可能会以性能为代价。 提倡改用成本更高、功耗更高、外形更大的更大芯片。



所以让我们再试一次 你应该考虑组装

致力于底层操作系统功能 在编译器上工作。 工作在一个极其有限的芯片,嵌入式系统等





我刚刚得到了一个优化编译器,相同的代码在< 5秒内旋转图形。我看着编译器生成的汇编代码,从我所看到的,我决定我写汇编程序的日子结束了。

在Amiga上,CPU和图形/音频芯片会为了访问特定区域的RAM(具体来说是前2MB的RAM)而争斗。因此,当你只有2MB RAM(或更少)时,显示复杂的图形加上播放声音会杀死CPU的性能。


这也是为什么CPU的NOP (No Operation -什么都不做)指令实际上可以让你的整个应用程序运行得更快的另一个原因。


CP/M-86版本的PolyPascal (Turbo Pascal的兄弟)的一个可能性是用机器语言例程取代“使用生物将字符输出到屏幕上”的功能,本质上是给定x、y和字符串放在那里。







#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>

float KahanSum(const float *data, int n)
   float sum = 0.0f, C = 0.0f, Y, T;

   for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i) {
      Y = *data++ - C;
      T = sum + Y;
      C = T - sum - Y;
      sum = T;

   return sum;

float AsmSum(const float *data, int n)
  float result = 0.0f;

    mov esi,data
    mov ecx,n
    fsubr [esi]
    add esi,4
    fld st(0)
    fadd st(0),st(2)
    fld st(0)
    fsub st(0),st(3)
    fsub st(0),st(2)
    fstp st(2)
    fstp st(2)
    loop l1
    fstp result
    fstp result

  return result;

int main (int, char **)
  int count = 1000000;

  float *source = new float [count];

  for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i) {
    source [i] = static_cast <float> (rand ()) / static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX);

  LARGE_INTEGER start, mid, end;

  float sum1 = 0.0f, sum2 = 0.0f;

  QueryPerformanceCounter (&start);

  sum1 = KahanSum (source, count);

  QueryPerformanceCounter (&mid);

  sum2 = AsmSum (source, count);

  QueryPerformanceCounter (&end);

  cout << "  C code: " << sum1 << " in " << (mid.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) << endl;
  cout << "asm code: " << sum2 << " in " << (end.QuadPart - mid.QuadPart) << endl;

  return 0;


  C code: 500137 in 103884668
asm code: 500137 in 52129147





Fixed-point multiplication: The product of two 16-bit numbers is a 32-bit number. But the rules in C says that the product of two 16-bit numbers is a 16-bit number, and the product of two 32-bit numbers is a 32-bit number -- the bottom half in both cases. If you want the top half of a 16x16 multiply or a 32x32 multiply, you have to play games with the compiler. The general method is to cast to a larger-than-necessary bit width, multiply, shift down, and cast back: int16_t x, y; // int16_t is a typedef for "short" // set x and y to something int16_t prod = (int16_t)(((int32_t)x*y)>>16);` In this case the compiler may be smart enough to know that you're really just trying to get the top half of a 16x16 multiply and do the right thing with the machine's native 16x16multiply. Or it may be stupid and require a library call to do the 32x32 multiply that's way overkill because you only need 16 bits of the product -- but the C standard doesn't give you any way to express yourself. Certain bitshifting operations (rotation/carries): // 256-bit array shifted right in its entirety: uint8_t x[32]; for (int i = 32; --i > 0; ) { x[i] = (x[i] >> 1) | (x[i-1] << 7); } x[0] >>= 1; This is not too inelegant in C, but again, unless the compiler is smart enough to realize what you are doing, it's going to do a lot of "unnecessary" work. Many assembly instruction sets allow you to rotate or shift left/right with the result in the carry register, so you could accomplish the above in 34 instructions: load a pointer to the beginning of the array, clear the carry, and perform 32 8-bit right-shifts, using auto-increment on the pointer. For another example, there are linear feedback shift registers (LFSR) that are elegantly performed in assembly: Take a chunk of N bits (8, 16, 32, 64, 128, etc), shift the whole thing right by 1 (see above algorithm), then if the resulting carry is 1 then you XOR in a bit pattern that represents the polynomial.






获得64位整数乘法的高部分:使用uint64_t for 32x32 => 64位乘法的便携版本在64位CPU上无法优化,因此你需要intrinsic或__int128来在64位系统上实现高效的代码。 Windows 32位上的_umul128: MSVC在将32位整数转换为64时并不总是做得很好,因此intrinsic有很大帮助。


// on a 32-bit machine, int can hold 32-bit fixed-point integers.
int inline FixedPointMul (int a, int b)
  long long a_long = a; // cast to 64 bit.

  long long product = a_long * b; // perform multiplication

  return (int) (product >> 16);  // shift by the fixed point bias

这段代码的问题在于,我们做了一些不能直接用c语言表达的事情。我们希望将两个32位的数字相乘,得到一个64位的结果,并返回中间的32位。然而,在C语言中这个乘法是不存在的。您所能做的就是将整数提升为64位,并执行64*64 = 64乘法。







int inline FixedPointMul (int a, int b)
    return (int) __ll_rshift(__emul(a,b),16);


使用Visual c++ 2013为这两种方式提供了相同的汇编代码。


在Godbolt编译器资源管理器上查看用于x86(32位)和ARM的source + asm。(不幸的是,它没有任何旧到足以从简单的纯C版本生成糟糕代码的编译器。)

现代cpu可以做一些C语言根本没有操作符的事情,比如popcnt或位扫描来查找第一个或最后一个设置位。POSIX有一个ffs()函数,但是它的语义不匹配x86 bsf / bsr。见https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Find_first_set)。

一些编译器有时可以识别一个计数整数中设置位数的循环,并将其编译为popcnt指令(如果在编译时启用),但在GNU C中使用__builtin_popcnt要可靠得多,或者在x86上(如果你的目标硬件是SSE4.2: _mm_popcnt_u32 from < immintrinh >)。


类似地,ntohl可以在一些具有它的C实现上编译为bswap(用于端序转换的x86 32位字节交换)。

intrinsic或手写asm的另一个主要领域是使用SIMD指令进行手工向量化。编译器对于dst[i] += src[i] * 10.0;这样的简单循环并不糟糕,但是当事情变得更复杂时,编译器通常做得很糟糕,或者根本不自动向量化。例如,你不太可能得到任何像如何实现atoi使用SIMD?由编译器从标量代码自动生成。

Walter Bright的《optimization Immutable and Purity》可能值得一看,它不是一个概要测试,但向您展示了手写和编译器生成ASM之间的区别。Walter Bright写优化编译器,所以值得一看他的其他博客文章。






一个更著名的组装片段来自Michael Abrash的纹理映射循环(在这里详细解释):

add edx,[DeltaVFrac] ; add in dVFrac
sbb ebp,ebp ; store carry
mov [edi],al ; write pixel n
mov al,[esi] ; fetch pixel n+1
add ecx,ebx ; add in dUFrac
adc esi,[4*ebp + UVStepVCarry]; add in steps

现在,大多数编译器将高级CPU特定指令表示为intrinsic,即编译为实际指令的函数。MS Visual c++支持MMX、SSE、SSE2、SSE3和SSE4的intrinsic,因此您不必太过担心使用特定于平台的指令来进行汇编。Visual c++还可以通过适当的/ARCH设置来利用您所针对的实际体系结构。


Debugging - I often get library code that has bugs or incomplete documentation. I figure out what it's doing by stepping in at the assembly level. I have to do this about once a week. I also use it as a tool to debug problems in which my eyes don't spot the idiomatic error in C/C++/C#. Looking at the assembly gets past that. Optimizing - the compiler does fairly well in optimizing, but I play in a different ballpark than most. I write image processing code that usually starts with code that looks like this: for (int y=0; y < imageHeight; y++) { for (int x=0; x < imageWidth; x++) { // do something } } the "do something part" typically happens on the order of several million times (ie, between 3 and 30). By scraping cycles in that "do something" phase, the performance gains are hugely magnified. I don't usually start there - I usually start by writing the code to work first, then do my best to refactor the C to be naturally better (better algorithm, less load in the loop etc). I usually need to read assembly to see what's going on and rarely need to write it. I do this maybe every two or three months. doing something the language won't let me. These include - getting the processor architecture and specific processor features, accessing flags not in the CPU (man, I really wish C gave you access to the carry flag), etc. I do this maybe once a year or two years.






在处理器速度以MHz为单位,屏幕尺寸低于100万像素的时代,一个众所周知的更快显示的技巧是展开循环:为屏幕的每个扫描行写操作。它避免了维护循环索引的开销!再加上检测屏幕刷新,它非常有效。 这是C编译器不会做的事情……(虽然通常可以在速度优化和规模优化之间进行选择,但我认为前者使用了一些类似的技巧。)

我知道有些人喜欢用汇编语言编写Windows应用程序。他们声称他们更快(很难证明)和更小(确实如此!)。 显然,虽然这样做很有趣,但可能会浪费时间(当然,学习目的除外!),特别是对于GUI操作…… 现在,也许某些操作(比如在文件中搜索字符串)可以通过精心编写的汇编代码进行优化。







Access to instructions that are not accessible from C. For instance, many architectures (like x86-64, IA-64, DEC Alpha, and 64-bit MIPS or PowerPC) support a 64 bit by 64 bit multiplication producing a 128 bit result. GCC recently added an extension providing access to such instructions, but before that assembly was required. And access to this instruction can make a huge difference on 64-bit CPUs when implementing something like RSA - sometimes as much as a factor of 4 improvement in performance. Access to CPU-specific flags. The one that has bitten me a lot is the carry flag; when doing a multiple-precision addition, if you don't have access to the CPU carry bit one must instead compare the result to see if it overflowed, which takes 3-5 more instructions per limb; and worse, which are quite serial in terms of data accesses, which kills performance on modern superscalar processors. When processing thousands of such integers in a row, being able to use addc is a huge win (there are superscalar issues with contention on the carry bit as well, but modern CPUs deal pretty well with it). SIMD. Even autovectorizing compilers can only do relatively simple cases, so if you want good SIMD performance it's unfortunately often necessary to write the code directly. Of course you can use intrinsics instead of assembly but once you're at the intrinsics level you're basically writing assembly anyway, just using the compiler as a register allocator and (nominally) instruction scheduler. (I tend to use intrinsics for SIMD simply because the compiler can generate the function prologues and whatnot for me so I can use the same code on Linux, OS X, and Windows without having to deal with ABI issues like function calling conventions, but other than that the SSE intrinsics really aren't very nice - the Altivec ones seem better though I don't have much experience with them). As examples of things a (current day) vectorizing compiler can't figure out, read about bitslicing AES or SIMD error correction - one could imagine a compiler that could analyze algorithms and generate such code, but it feels to me like such a smart compiler is at least 30 years away from existing (at best).

On the other hand, multicore machines and distributed systems have shifted many of the biggest performance wins in the other direction - get an extra 20% speedup writing your inner loops in assembly, or 300% by running them across multiple cores, or 10000% by running them across a cluster of machines. And of course high level optimizations (things like futures, memoization, etc) are often much easier to do in a higher level language like ML or Scala than C or asm, and often can provide a much bigger performance win. So, as always, there are tradeoffs to be made.





Int y = data[i]; //在这里做一些事情。 call_function (y,…);


//优化版本 call_function(数据[我],…);//毕竟不是那么优化。




记忆很慢 缓存速度快 尽量更好地使用缓存 你多久会错过一次?你有延迟补偿策略吗? 对于一个cache miss,你可以执行10-100个ALU/FPU/SSE指令 应用程序架构很重要。 . .但是当问题不在架构上时,它就没有帮助了

此外,过于相信编译器会神奇地将考虑不周到的C/ c++代码转换为“理论上最优”的代码是一厢情愿的想法。如果你关心这个低级别的“性能”,你必须知道你使用的编译器和工具链。

C/ c++中的编译器通常不太擅长重新排序子表达式,因为对于初学者来说,函数有副作用。函数式语言没有受到这个警告的影响,但它不太适合当前的生态系统。有一些编译器选项可以允许宽松的精确规则,允许编译器/链接器/代码生成器改变操作的顺序。




int c;
for(c = 0; str[c] != '\0'; c++) {}


mov esi, offset string
mov edi, esi
xor ecx, ecx

mov ax, byte ptr [esi]
cmp al, cl
je  end_1
cmp ah, cl
je end_2
mov bx, byte ptr [esi + 2]
cmp bl, cl
je end_3
cmp bh, cl
je end_4
add esi, 4
jmp lp

inc esi

inc esi

inc esi

inc esi

mov ecx, esi
sub ecx, edi



The question is a bit misleading. The answer is there in your post itself. It is always possible to write assembly solution for a particular problem which executes faster than any generated by a compiler. The thing is you need to be an expert in assembly to overcome the limitations of a compiler. An experienced assembly programmer can write programs in any HLL which performs faster than one written by an inexperienced. The truth is you can always write assembly programs executing faster than one generated by a compiler.




Actually you can build large scale programs in a large model mode segaments may be restricted to 64kb code but you can write many segaments, people give the argument against ASM as it is an old language and we don't need to preserve memory anymore, If that were the case why would we be packing our PC's with memory, the only Flaw I can find with ASM is that it is more or less Processor based so most programs written for the intel architecture Most likely would not run on An AMD Architecture. As for C being faster than ASM there is no language faster than ASM and ASM can do many thing's C and other HLL's can not do at processor level. ASM is a difficult language to learn but once you learn it no HLL can translate it better than you. If you could only see some of the things HLL's Do to you code, and understand what it is doing, you would wonder why More people don't use ASM and why assembers are no longer being updated ( For general public use anyway). So no C is not faster than ASM. Even experiences C++ programmers still use and write code Chunks in ASM added to there C++ code for speed. Other Languages Also that some people think are obsolete or possibly no good is a myth at times for instance Photoshop is written in Pascal/ASM 1st release of souce has been submitted to the technical history museum, and paintshop pro is written still written in Python,TCL and ASM ... a common denominator of these to "Fast and Great image processors is ASM, although photoshop may have Upgraded to delphi now it is still pascal. and any speed problems are comming from pascal but this is because we like the way programs look and not what they do now days. I would like to make a Photoshop Clone in pure ASM which I have been working on and its comming along rather well. not code,interpret,arange,rewwrite,etc.... Just code and go process complete.






In the good old days of Intel 80286, each instruction was executed at a fixed count of CPU cycles. Still, since Pentium Pro, released in 1995, Intel processors became superscalar, utilizing Complex Pipelining: Out-of-Order Execution & Register Renaming. Before that, on Pentium, produced in 1993, there were U and V pipelines. Therefore, Pentium introduced dual pipelines that could execute two simple instructions at one clock cycle if they didn't depend on one another. However, this was nothing compared with the Out-of-Order Execution & Register Renaming that appeared in Pentium Pro. This approach introduced in Pentium Pro is practically the same nowadays on most recent Intel processors.

Let me explain the Out-of-Order Execution in a few words. The fastest code is where instructions do not depend on previous results, e.g., you should always clear whole registers (by movzx) to remove dependency from previous values of the registers you are working with, so they may be renamed internally by the CPU to allow instruction execute in parallel or in a different order. Or, on some processors, false dependency may exist that may also slow things down, like false dependency on Pentium 4 for inc/dec, so you may wish to use add eax, 1 instead or inc eax to remove dependency on the previous state of the flags.


There are also many other essential issues like branch prediction, number of load and store units, number of gates that execute micro-ops, memory cache coherence protocols, etc., but the crucial thing to consider is the Out-of-Order Execution. Most people are simply not aware of the Out-of-Order Execution. Therefore, they write their assembly programs like for 80286, expecting their instructions will take a fixed time to execute regardless of the context. At the same time, C compilers are aware of the Out-of-Order Execution and generate the code correctly. That's why the code of such uninformed people is slower, but if you become knowledgeable, your code will be faster.


However, assembly language has its own drawbacks when it comes to optimization. According to Peter Cordes (see the comment below), some of the optimizations compilers do would be unmaintainable for large code-bases in hand-written assembly. For example, suppose you write in assembly. In that case, you need to completely change an inline function (an assembly macro) when it inlines into a function that calls it with some arguments being constants. At the same time, a C compiler makes its job a lot simpler—and inlining the same code in different ways into different call sites. There is a limit to what you can do with assembly macros. So to get the same benefit, you'd have to manually optimize the same logic in each place to match the constants and available registers you have.

这个问题有点毫无意义,因为无论如何c都是编译到汇编程序的。 但是,通过优化编译器生成的汇编程序几乎是完全优化的,所以除非你在优化特定的汇编程序方面做了20个博士学位,否则你无法打败编译器。






X = (Y - Z)
IF (X .LT. 0) THEN
 ... do something

当时的编译器在X上执行了一个SUBTRACT指令,然后是一个TEST指令。 在汇编程序中,您只需在减法之后检查条件代码(LT零,零,GT零)。


我认为理解编译器在做什么仍然很重要。 当您使用高级语言编写代码时,您应该了解什么允许或阻止编译器执行循环展开。


